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"That's how we met." I spoke looking at the police officer. She seemed intrigued, but, I didn't give her the answers she wanted. There was still more to the story but that's for me to tell and I just wasn't ready. I used my best default.

I started crying, hiding my face in the arms of the hoodie I was wearing. I could hear the officers in the room muttering probably, trying to figure out what was going in my head. Then the door opened and another woman enter.

I looked up bleary eyed taking in the woman. She was young, her hair fell down onto her shoulders. Her clothes were a little too tight but she looked pretty nevertheless.

She sat in front of the desk, pushing a tissue box towards me. Was she trying to earn...trust?

I used the tissues wiping my eyes wearily looking at her. I was finally done and the fell officer allowed me to throw the tear drenched tissues into the bin before she left the room.

The woman extended her hand across the table, wanting me to shake it. I did, cautiously, if she was anything like the other officer I don't like her very much.
"I'm Miss Williams but you can call me Hayley. "

"Luke." I greeted simply.

"I'm not a police officer if you're wondering so I promise I won't be as harsh as my friend that just left a few minutes ago."

I nodded resting my head on the metal table. "If you're not a officer, or detective who are you?"

Haley laughed, "I just your everyday psychologist Luke."

I furrowed my brows at her, there was something strange about her and I needed to find it out.

Haley reached forward her hand covering mine across the table.

"I'm not here you scare you, I'm here to be your friend. You help me I help you, ok?"

I nodded fiddling with the strings on my hoodie, watching as she pulled down her long sleeve shirt over her wrist wear a bit of red and black ink was showing, but I choose to ignore it.

"So Luke, do you want to continue your story?"

: Tainted Holiness : [Muke] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now