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Sunday mornings were always the same. I did the same things, saw the same people. It was becoming boring.

I sat in my usual spot beside my mother, in the first pew closest to the front. Before my brothers would of been sitting beside me but that all changed. Now the idea of them ever being there seem like a fairy tale.

My father, as per usual was giving his sermon. This time of was about homosexuality, making a few glances my way with certain points. I knew what he was trying to do. As he got deeper into what he was saying, I began feeling nauseous, the congregation's murmurs making me feel even worse.

I looked over to my mother, her eyes were fixed on what my father was saying, but like me her heart was elsewhere.

I got up going outside for some fresh air as the atmosphere and the close mindedness of some of the people in the room became almost suffocating.

I inhaled deeply going towards the wire fence that separated the church from the neighbourhood that was beside it.

I leaned against the fence, closing my eyes blocking out the sounds around me. My father's voice coming from inside of the church, the cars passing. I just needed to block it out. Find solitude in my mind, make my own thoughts instead of being force feed others'.

I heard a low chuckle behind me, "Shouldn't you be inside princess?" He smiled. I opened my eyes, meeting the green ones that I was beginning to learn.

He placed a cigarette in between his lips, "Pretty sure your father doesn't like that you're out here," he took a drag, letting the grey smoke that was previously filling his lungs, "or that you're talking to me."

I shrugged looking back to the church, seeing that my father's eyes were searching for me. Too bad I wasn't in there.

"You look pretty today princess." He complimented with a crooked smile, making blush and mumble a 'thank you'.

I looked up into his eyes again, there were pretty dull, probably from his smoking habits, but at the same time I couldn't help but to admire the man standing in front of me.

His black hair was brushed easily across his forehead, styled in a fringe. I could see his many tattoos peeping over the collar of his shirt, even above the collar of his jeans jacket. Tight skinny jeans clung to his slightly feminine legs and dirtied Chuck Taylor's covered his feet.

He quirked a brow, "Like you see?"

I slowly nodded my eyes finding their way back to the cocky grin on his face. "Good. I'd love to do the some things to you," he bit his lip, his eyes dragging over my body "But I like your innocence a little too much princess."

I looked down at my shoes shyly. I realised how different we were. I held a Bible in my hands, and in his he held a cigarette.

That just sparked my curiosity. That just fueled his obsession.

I could hear the sermon coming to an end.

"I s-should," I stuttered still flustered by his words. I looked back to try church seeing that my father had stepped away from he pulpit.

"That's fine," he looked pass at my father's wry face.

"Bye Michael." I quick walked towards the church.

"See ya princess."

I looked back see that Michael was no longer by the fence.

I walked inside before the closing prayer, taking my position beside my mother. I swallowed the lump in my throat as my father whispered to me, "We need to talk."

: Tainted Holiness : [Muke] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now