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My eyes fluttered open again, but this time Michael was no where to seen. A slight nervousness began to set in and I realised how stupid I was to even come out here. I barely knew him, yet I managed to put so much trust in him. Why was I so naïve?

I pulled my knees to my chest looking across to the window. Sunlight was pouring through due to the lack of curtains or blinds, the lake beside the house could be clearly seen from my position, maybe I could go out there at sometime.

I could only think of what my parents were doing right now. The sick smile that probably would never leave my father's face; the frown on my mother's.

I sighed looking down, the guilt of my actions basically eating me alive.

"Princess?" Michael appeared from being the wooden door, the expression on his face crumbling when he saw me. He moved slowly towards me, kneeling on bed beside me; the dip in the queen size mattress causing me to look up.

He hooked his index finger under my chin raising it so I would meet his eyes, "Talk to me..."

I bit my lip letting my face drop again, "I can't."


"It's really...really stupid."

Michael shrugged now sitting closer to me while I was still in my curled up position. "Luke."

I looked across at him, he called me by my name.

"Yes?" I breathed slowly.

"Stop worrying so much, I won't judge you..."

I bit my lip nodding, "I—" I mustered up the little bit of courage in me, "I really want to kiss you too, but I'm scared that I'll disappoint my parents even more than I already do." I saw that Michael was listening to me, his face was emotionless. I didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

"When I was younger I kissed a girl and I didn't like it a lot, but then at the church rally sleep over I got dared to kiss a boy that was there and I did. I don't know why but I liked it better, but I put it off in my mind because I was wrong and just twisted.

"Calum confessed to his parents that I kissed the boy and my father found out. He lashed me for it, said that I'm evil for trying to become tainted—"

My vision became blurry and I could tell that I was crying. I closed my eyes.

"I'm scared of being hated again Michael." My voice dry and croaky.

I felt myself being pulled into Michael's chest, and for once I didn't try to get away from the hug or crying. I just let it all out. I was carrying the whole around like a burden and being disobedient only made it worse.

I eventually stopped crying, finding interest in tracing the patterns of the tattoos on Michael's arm.

"What does that one mean?"


A/N: I started school again, FML, so updates may be few and far in between. Thank you for all the nice comments and sorry I don't reply to them sometimes. (I'm a shy little mofo) Love you guys bye.

: Tainted Holiness : [Muke] ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant