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A/N: This chap is really shitty, sorry.

My eyes opened in the morning to unfamiliar surrounds and soft humming. Fingers were carding through my hair— which was probably very messy— and I relaxed, leaning into the touch. I was content with the warmth that was pressed against my back.

I rolled onto my side groaning a the shooting pain in my back, but allowing a lazy smile to grace my face at the memory of the night before.

"Morning Princess," Michael rasped, voice croaky from lack of use.


"You good?"

"Uh huh..." I hummed, running my fingers over the tattoos on his collar bones, pressing soft lingering kisses to the skin there before meeting Michael's eyes again.

"You ready to get out of bed?" Michael's fingers continued carding through my hair only making my eyelids fall shut again.


"It's 12 pm Luke."


"You're gonna get hungry in a few minutes."


Michael sighed in defeat pulling me closer to him, "Ten more minutes."

"Thank you." I cuddled into his side.

I smiled slightly at the memory of last night, it wasn't what I was taught was right but it felt right and that's really all that mattered to me. I could still Michael's touch lingering all over me, in some places I could see him on me, the bruises on my neck, hips and thighs.

"I think I'm ready to get up now." I giggled seeing Michael's closed eyes.


"Uh huh." I beamed as he opened his eyes to glare at me. "I'm hungry."

Michael huffed shaking his head fondly.


We stood under the warm stream of shower lazily kissing against the wall. Michael decided it would be best for us to take a shower (together being my idea) since he had only wiped us off with his T-shirt. This escalated into something else of course.

"Michael..." I panted into his mouth running my fingers through his wet hair when he pulled away slightly.

Our mouths met again his tongue moving languidly against mine as my grip in his hair got tighter as I parted my legs so he could stand between them. 

"I love you Princess." He breathed against my lips, his fingers roaming over the places that were already marked by his touch. "Don't forget that."

I pecked his lips once more running my hands down his chest before kissing one of his many tattoos, "I won't."


Michael as propped again his jeep as he talked to Ashton. We were about to leave and each one of the boys were saying their goodbyes. Harry had the longest goodbye, first hugging Michael and he currently hadn't let go of me.

"Promise me you won't leave Mikey," He whispered in my ear during our embrace, "I've never seen him so happy."

"I promise." 

Harry finally pulled away kissing me on the forehead, "Good. Have a safe trip Luke."

I said another quick goodbye joining Michael at the jeep. I paused a few steps away from Michael and Ashton. Michael's face held expression of pity as he talked to his friend, his brows furrowed. Ashton kicked the pebbles beneath his shoes, seeming to be holding back tears.

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