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I wasn't exactly sure what Hayley's look meant, but that just added to the mystery of what was going on. Her brows were slightly furrowed, knit closely together. This is the most emotion I'd seen from anyone who I'd dealt with at the police station so far, I was nothing much be at least now I could truly tell she was human.

Hayley finally spoke, "Michael was apart of your past."

"He was, and I never would of known. Michael's confession helped me to understand why my parents acted...you know...when he was around."

Hayley nodded, "How did you feel about the kiss?"

I began fiddling with the sleeve of my hoodie my eyes no longer meeting Hayley's, choosing to wander elsewhere about the dull room.

"I..." I trailed off knowing how at that exact moment I became someone who I never expected to be. Swallowing harshly my eyes finally found someway to focus on Hayley.

"You slept with him didn't you?" The woman asked bluntly, expression not changing.

"Not the same night!" I clarified my voice louder than I wanted it to be. My words seemed to be tumbling into each other as I answered and question that followed after. My heart was racing with fear and odd nervous energy.

It wasn't the Christian thing. I was- I am supposed to be living after the way of Jesus. I am supposed follow the straight and narrow set out for me. Michael was so intoxicating, I enjoyed living wrongfully, living in sin. I'll probably never forgive myself....but I'll never regret it.

"Why Luke?"


"Were you pressured into it?"

"No, I-"

"So why would you say yes?"

I gripped my hair pulling the blonde locks lightly. I felt tears pricking my eyes for another time.

"When you love someone you do things you never thought you would." I explained.

Hayley kept her blank look through my tears, "You stayed for him for two weeks Luke. You can't be in love with someone you only knew for long?"

"I'm not in love with him, but I do love him. I'm not going to pour out my heart and soul to him, but he needed love and I needed to feel loved."

Hayley tilted her head slightly, "I don't get it."

"Of course you don't. No one does."

: Tainted Holiness : [Muke] ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora