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Hayley rubbed her chin in thought as she tried to understand, "He wanted to kiss you, but he couldn't."

I nodded, "He didn't want to ruin me, I found that out later."

"But, in the end he did."

I thought about it, Michael didn't ruin me, he just opened my eyes a little, took me away from the close minded world that I was surrounded by for a bit. He made it better for me.

I was going to respond when the door opened. Hayley got up, speaking to the officer for a while.

"There's a call for you."

The officer escorted me along the dimly lit hallways that lead back to the main station. Eyes of other uniformed officers were on me, I felt anxious. She hand over the phone, muttering, 'fifteen minutes then you're back in questioning'. I nodded playing the receiver to my ear.



I let a shaky breath, "Yeah..."

"Oh, they do have you down there." Michael spoke in a barely audible tone obviously hiding out.

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"I can't tell you right now, but promise me that you won't let them break you."

I heard the officer called that I only had a few minutes remaining.

"I promise."

"Good, I'll see you so—" then the line went dead. I took a deep breath willing myself not to cry in the police station that'd be too obvious that something was going on.

I felt the officer grasp my arm leading me back to the room. I walked in and Hayley was still in her chair looking at the file in front of her.

"Who was that?"

I bit my lip, "A cousin of mine..." I trailed off knowing that it probably wasn't the most convincing answer.

Hayley seemed to have bought it as she didn't question it any further, "Ok, so did Michael do anything suspicious, did he have any reason to run away?"

"No, he was just a sweetheart. It was more of a fun time those weeks than anything else."

She raised a brow, "Really?"


: Tainted Holiness : [Muke] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now