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A/N: It's your least favourite author, back at it again, with her bullshit. Really bad Muke smut...sorry.

I was writhing in Michael's lap by the time they got back to the group's house. I was could feel the heat in my cheeks as Michael's mouth continued to move against my sweet spot, (that I didn't even know existed) creating another bruise to add the collection of red and purple marks on my neck, his hands had a tight grip on my hips steadying me on his lap.

I let out a small whine as he bit my neck slightly harder than he was nipping at it before. Michael pulled away from my neck his eyes gazed over and his pupils full blown with lust as he touched the heated skin of my cheek.

His eyes narrowed a second and he gave another punishing pinch to my side, "I told you stop moving Princess."

I whimpered again at his commanding tone letting out a small, "I'm sorry..."

Michael opened the door of the car, lifting me out of the car with little difficulty.

I whined at the pressure against my clothed erection as it was sandwiched between our bodies as he carried me into the house.

"It's okay Princess, I've got you..." Michael whispered against my temple, placing a kiss to my hair.

I nodded against his neck as we entered the house, ignoring the fact that Harry was pinned against the wall by the door, eyes shut tightly as Liam was biting at his neck and Louis was busy groping him elsewhere while the oldest man had his lips locked to Ashton's.

I whimpered at the sight as Harry let out an obscene moan throwing his head back against the wall.

"Shhh, princess." Michael repeated knowing I could hear the smirk in his voice as he continued, "You'll get your turn soon."

I tried not to whine as Michael took me into a bedroom allowing me to unwrap with legs from where they were tangled around his waist. Michael leaned over turning on one of the lamps on the bedside table allowing the small amount warm yellow light to fill the space before his turning his focus back to me. I examined the neon paint that was stuck to his pale skin from the night's events, running my finger over one of my hand had formed a print of his cheek. Michael grabbed my wrist holding it, but not stopping my fingers from roaming his cheek, leaning into to the small touch. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment, his dark lashes contrasting the sloppily painted heart that was on his other cheek and the pale patch of skin that was above my hand print, before his eyes open clouded over with something else.

He brought my fingers to his mouth, playfully biting them holding them between his teeth. I giggled watching as he took them out and kissing my knuckles before he slid up my body  so that he was draped over me. His arms were placed on each side of my head, allowing his chest to hover above mine, while the rest of his body was draped over mine, his hips comfortably resting between my thighs.

I looked at him, smiling at the way his dark fringe was streaked with paint, and the twitch of his lip when I said, "Kiss me."

Michael's like met mine and I was like an explosion of butterflies erupted in my stomach. At first it was gentle, simple lip lock. Then suddenly it became more heated. Michael's tongue ran over my bottom lip, I parted my lips experimentally, letting him explore my mouth, giving him full control. My hands found themselves hanging loosely around Michael's neck, tugging at the shorter hairs by the base of his neck.

Michael grunted lightly, biting my lip playfully, "You're gonna be the death of me..."

Pushing himself up he looked at my shirt in disgust, "I want this off." Michael tugged at its hem pulling me up, before looking me in the eyes, "May I?"

: Tainted Holiness : [Muke] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now