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Being able to wake up beside Michael was something I was used to, but, it felt so weird at the same time. After I had left I never thought I would get the chance to be in Michael's arms again, but, here I was laying beside him, pulled close to Michael's bare chest as if he was afraid to let me go.

I moved a strain of his already fading red hair away from his forehead so I could see his resting features. He looked peaceful, even though I knew he really wasn't, I still was glad he was asleep. The way he looked yesterday told me that he hadn't slept for days— could he if he didn't feel safe. A little bit of pride bubbled in my chest as I watched him take steady breaths, I helped him feel safe.

Michael made a small noise in his sleep before his eyes moved, but didn't open. He was dreaming. I sunk into my pillow wondering what images were playing through his head. Finally Michael's eyes fluttered open meeting mine.

"Princess..." He yawned, before looking at me with realisation, "Princess!" He chirped the second time hugging me closer.

I giggled, "I'm actually here Mikey."

His eyes glanced over me again as if to remember how I came to be there. A look of realisation crossed his face before he allowed me to unravel from the sheets. Michael watched as I climbed out of bed, smiling as I donned only the hoodie I took from him and the undies I'd gotten from Harry.

"What did I ever do you deserve you?" He thought aloud as I ran a hand through my messy bed head.

"Force me to skinny dip on the first night we met." I laughed watching the corner Michael's mouth curve up.

He pouted playfully, "I thought you enjoyed it?"

"Oh I did..." I was my turn to smirk as I pulled off my hoodie as I got closer to the shower, "Maybe I'd like to do it again?"

I threw the hoodie back to Michael adding teasingly, "I believe this is yours."

I giggled at Michael's face before disappearing into the small bathroom. I allowed my laughed to die down as I caught a look of myself in the dingey mirror above the sink. There were dark bags below my eyes, and the bruise on my face had faded into a weird yellowy colour, but, for the first time in a long time I woke up with a genuine smile on my face. So long it was odd to see it there, still, at the same time I could used to seeing it more often because it meant I was happy.

Peeling off the rest of my clothes and throwing over to the area where Michael would start a laundry pile, I stepped into the shower. It usually took a while for the water to warm up, so I waited. When it finally did, I found myself just standing beneath the spray, allowing my aching and tired muscles to relax as if untying.

I let out a deep sigh, deciding to spend a few more seconds just standing there. I hear the shower's curtain pull back and before I could say anything, Michael was behind me, his arms snaked around my waist and his lips littering kisses onto my wet shoulder, nipping at the skin lightly and sucking away the drops of water there, leaving tiny bruises in their wake.

I brought my arm up to wrap around his neck, tangling my fingers in the wet hair at the base of his neck, tugging slightly when he would bite me extra hard. I could feel my downstairs stirring at the attention I was getting and from way Michael's prick was pressing against my back I could tell that this was his plan all along.

"Can't a boy just have a quiet morning shower?" I panted as I was turned around. I took in the way Michael's hair was now matted to his forehead, drips of water running onto his face. Personally, I wanted to lick away the droplets that ran all the way from his chest, down his happy trail, cascading a his erection.

Michael basically growled, staring lustfully down at me, "Not when they look this good...Princess."

I grasped his hair tighter when he lips collided into mine, tugging the coloured locks as his tongue finally met mine. It was sloppy, all the finesse I had gained during my last time with Michael had been thrown out the window as I desperately searched after his touch. Finally there was a hand wrapped around me causing me to gasp again Michael's lips, while he simply chuckled, focusing his mouth on the junction of my neck and shoulder.

"Mike..." I moaned as my head fell back to hit the wall not catching his muffled response into my shoulder.

My eyes shot open —I hadn't realised they were closed— when there was nothing against me. My back then arched as Michael's tongue collected the water which rolled down my stomach.

I shuddered as I felt his hand grip me once more and I stayed frozen as his tongue moved to kitten lick my tip, collecting the precome that had formed there. I looked down at him, meeting his eyes as they peered up me brightly, obviously proud of what he was doing to me.

I yanked his hair once more, vibrations ran through my coçk from his moan. It was as if someone had set me on fire when he finally took me into his mouth.

My head fell back again as Michael worked me closer and closer to an orgasm. Soon I felt that familiar warmth pooling in my stomach before a came down Michael's throat, watching as he licked the remnants off my spent diçk, his thumb rubbing circles onto my hip.

I was lucky...so damn lucky to have Michael Clifford and from the twinkle in his eye as he looked up at me I could tell he feel the same way.


After our shower we found ourselves cuddled up on the porch taking in the way the lake glistened in the sunlight. I sighed into Michael's shoulder as his arms came to wrap around me tighter.

"S-so what was the plan?"

Michael released the bit of skin he was nibbling on my neck, the new lovebite added to the others that were littered about my body from the morning's events.

"To find you and say goodbye."

"Goodbye?" I pushed myself away from him (as far as I could without falling off his lap) glaring down at him, "You were not going to leave me Michael Clifford."

"Would you rather been dragged along in the hell of being in a relationship with a wanted man?"

"Yes." I hit his chest. Michael seemed unaffected just looking at the place where my hand was. "Why would I not want to be with you? I love you."

"I know Luke, but I don't want you getting hurt." His eyes dropped to where his hands were now holding my thighs.

"It hurts more for me to be away from you Mike." I admitted. "I'd prefer whatever hell it is to be with you than to be alone."

At that moment Michael's eyes flicked up, shiny with tears though he still managed to allow his signature half smile to shine through.

"You know what I thought when I saw you in that church that Saturday Luke?"

I tilted my head, "What?"

"He's changed." He chuckled pulling me against him again. "I didn't know if it was for better or for worse and then you came beside me and I knew you weren't like them."

I hummed against his chest, looking at the ripples in the water when a leaf fell into it. The water seemed  to be going all over the place and then it was still again, glistening as it was before.

I smiled to myself as Michael's lips brushed my forehead. Maybe that was how it would turn out for it. It was a little shaky and messed up now, but eventually it'll be find and beautiful again.

"Maybe everything will change for the better."

"I hope so Princess."

A/N: About four or more chapters left. Thoughts on what's gonna happen next?

No one asked any questions in the character ask... That's fine if you don't want to.

: Tainted Holiness : [Muke] ON HOLDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang