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A/N: I'm sitting in a government office because I have to get my ID (I ain't a minor according to government so) and my mum forgot my birth certificate. So now I'm sitting alone and humans are looking at me weird because my mum made a mum jokeI'm also judging a girl's weave. It isn't bad, just...her leave out needs straightening. Shit...she go school with me *squints* nah. Ouu... More hair to judge...I'll type now.

In the few days left Michael decided that I shouldn't be cooped up inside even though I enjoyed the lazy days full of slow kisses and risky touches. I was woken up by Michael's insistent coaxing and neck kisses before I opened my eyes realising that the sun hadn't risen yet.

I groaned rolling over, only to feel Michael's weight over me again his lips moving against his neck. He was persistent in his assault finally getting on my back with my eyes wide open staring up at his smug smirk on his face.

"Morning princess." He laughed, his voice still deep and scratchy telling me he had only woken up a few minute or so before me. I huffed playfully hitting his chest so he would get off of me. Michael just chuckled licking my nose, probably just so I would scrunch it. I did of course. "I like when you're beneath me."

That comment earned him more playful hits which he just laughed off before grabbing my wrists and pinning them against the wall behind me . 

"Stop being feisty and get out of bed." He finally ordered placing a chaste kiss to my lips before rolling off of me.

I pouted my eyes following him as he walked out of the room. Finally I got out of bed walking into the kitchen.

Michael was doing something on the counter giving me the chance to slip my hands around his waist and hide my face in his shoulder inhaling his scent. I was only a few inches shorter than Michael, but maybe one day I'll be taller. Both of my brother were pretty tall. For now I enjoy being smaller than him.

Michael glanced over his shoulder and I was pretty sure I saw a small smile. 

"Now that you're finally out of bed." He turned around so that my head was now able to rest against his chest. "Go get ready we're going out today."

"Where?" I mumbled into his chest as his finger began to thread through my hair.

"You'll see when we get there."


After breakfast (which was usually canned food or left overs of ramen or Cup-O-Noodles that were stored in the kitchen's old wooden cabinets) I sat in Michael's jeep as we drove away from the surroundings of the lake cabin where I had been staying for the past eleven days. 

: Tainted Holiness : [Muke] ON HOLDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum