Chapter 5- Secrets

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Chapter 5- Secrets

I welcomed Skylar and Ty as they walked up to my house, Ty passing me as he joined the males inside.

"It's so quiet out here," Skylar looked around.

"Yeah, I like the fact I can hear myself think," I told her waving my arm.

"It was always quiet back with my parents, we didn't spend much time away from each other or with anybody else," she stated.

"I bet it's different, especially now that you're spending all your time with Ty," I joked.

Her face turned pink and she could not keep the smile of her face. "It's completely different, I've never felt this way before," she stated.

My eyebrows came together in confusion, "But I thought—"

"So when is dinner?" She cut me off with a question.

"Oh, yes," I lead her into the house.

The heat arose to my face as I opened the oven. Reaching my mitten covered hand into the stove, I took hold of the casserole dish and placed it on the stovetop. The chicken, broccoli, rice, and cheese steamed as it hit the cooler air.

"Dinner!" I yelled as I pulled plates from the cabinet.

I took the spatula and divided the casserole into pieces before separating them onto plates.

As I leveled the plates on my arms and hands I walked into the next room and placed them on the table re-announcing, "Dinner!"

The hollers continued as the guys fought against each other in the game. Skylar came to the table rolling her eyes, "They never listen, uh?" She conjectured.

"Never, it seems," I said as we peered into the living room piling Ty, Alex, Jay, and Drew.

A loud pitch sounded through the three rooms down on the bottom level. The guys were forced to drop their remotes and cover their ears to muffle the whistle Skylar blew through her lips. Their hollers were heard, but were not acknowledged as she yelled, "Get your butts into the room, Addie has called time for dinner."

Like a command they followed in like puppies that got in trouble by their owner. Feet shuffled to their seats as they propped themselves into positions to eat. I sat down next to Alex as he took one end of the table and Ty took the other with Skylar by him on the opposite side of me. I watched him lean to her and she press a kiss to his lips and as she pulled away he placed a sweet kiss on her cheek resorting in a blush before everyone dug in.

The warm casserole numbed my tongue as I placed my fork into my mouth. I swallowed and felt the heat rush down my throat into my stomach.

The table was filled with a small conversation of the classes. "No, the test is Thursday. Coach wouldn't give it on a Tuesday," Jay said.

"I remember him saying it was Tuesday," Drew fought back.

After they tried getting Ty involved, but failing, I spoke up, "Neither of you are right; Coach said Wednesday, his exact words were, 'It'll be on Wednesday, not Tuesday, not Thursday, but Wednesday,'" I told them.

They mumbled to themselves and stabbed at their food grumpy they were wrong.

Dinner passed by with more pleasant conversations once their normal composites were back and we soon were done. The guys rushed back to the living room all ready to pick up where the game left off. Alex tidied up his placement to make it easier for me to clean, but joined the group of anxious boys. Skylar shook her head. She picked up the glasses before carrying them to the sink. I followed behind with the plates stacked up before gently placing them on the counter.

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