Chapter 13- Setting a Plan

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Chapter 13- Setting a Plan

My head turned to the scent as it breezed through my nasals. Light shined off the blonde hair shaking with each step he took my way. A smile crossing his face as he watched my eyes scanned his body. The sculpt muscles of his arms peaking out his shirt. I damped my lips as he reached me with a welcoming hug, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

Gazes found us as he guided me through the halls, everyone forming a passage way for our walk. Words were whispered behind their hands and I curled into Bly's side peering up at him. His smile only let the confidence grow within me and I smiled back at him.

I twirled in his arm as we arrived to my class where he wished me a good day and placed a simple kiss on my forehead. "Have a good day," I smiled at him then entered the classroom.

"Addi—" I turned to look at Mr. Coy's abrupt stop. I sniffed through my nose and smelt the dull smell of cinnamon. He was a bloodline.

"Yes, sir?" My voice brought back his attention as he signaled me over.

I stood in front of his desk awaiting for him to speak. "I'm sorry for my sudden lost of composure. I had not realized... you know what, never mind. " he stopped himself, "but to continue my initial reason for calling you over is that I finished your recommendation letter. Here is a copy," he presented, putting it in my hand. 

"Thank you, Mr. Coy," I said my appreciation before turning to reach my desk.

My bottom touched the seat the same moment a scream released from the lungs of my friend. Her voice was recognized without a look as she rushed to me with open arms. Her tight squeeze eloping my body.

"I can finally talk to you, tell you everything!" Payton shrieked in my ear. The volume against my sensitive ear making me cringe. "You have to tell me what it's like," she gushed finally releasing me and pulling her desk to mine.

I laughed at her enthusiasm as I answered honestly. "It's weird, I'm not fully adjusted, but the feelings," I held back trying to find a word to express them, "I've never felt anything like them. The relief when I run, the freedom I feel. It's ineffable," I shook my head with a smile. "Everything, the way everything feels, every touch, every shared thought. I'm seeing in a completely different viewpoint now," I expressed to her. Her eyes twinkling as she tried connecting to the feelings I described.

"That's how I feel when I'm with my mate," her smiled was wide with the thought.

"You have a mate?" I asked.

"Not only the pack members get them," she snickered leaning back in her chair.

"I know, I just didn't know. Why didn't you tell me?" I waved my hand.

"How could I have?"

"By saying you are dating someone, you didn't have to say the word mate," I said.

She rolled her eyes, but her smile was obvious as he stayed on her mind. Our eyes flickered to Mr. Coy as he started the lesson of the day.

"Well?" I encouraged her with a whisper.

She forced her eyes off our science teacher as her face lit up in a blush before she tossed her head back stating, "Bryan Coy."

I tried recalling the name until my mouth formed, "Coy." I thought over. A gasp escaped me as I made the connection. Her crush had just reason as her comments flooded my mind.

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