Chapter 14- The Invitation

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Chapter 14- The Invitation

It was a warm night, even though it was mid January. The arms wrapped around me might have been the cause of that, though. I laid still within Bly's arms as we laid in my bed. His chest rose and fell in soft breaths letting me know he was still asleep.

I peaked over at the window and saw a dark tint to the sky. It was just starting to change to a blue haze. I placed my mind on the thoughts and events of this year, focusing on these past few months. It had been hectic. My life had flipped multiple times.

I quietly and slowly remove myself from Bly and snuck out the room downstairs to the kitchen. My stomach ruled over my movements as I started on breakfast. Pancakes, bacons, and biscuits sounded great as I laid out the pans and ingredients.

My hips swayed gently as I opened the window and heard the chirping of the birds. My hands worked through the food and I hummed along with the noise of nature seeping through the window. I had stacked pancake upon pancake until the pile was high on the plate.

Heat struck my hips as fingers grasped them from behind me. My heart bested faster and I smiled before turning around in Bly's hands.

"Good morning," I cheered.

"Morning," his voice was gruffly from sleep and something stirred within me before he leaned to kiss me. That only made it worst.

I sat the spatula down on the counter before laying my hands on his shoulders. His arms wrapped around my waist completely to bring me closer and deepening the kiss. My hands moved pass his shoulders and came together behind his head as I connected my fingers.

"Mhm," the sound of my brother broke us a part, but Bly would not release me from his grip until I pulled myself away from him without his appeal.

"I have breakfast ready," I cheered before the awkwardness set in more than it had.

"I smelt," he claimed as he opened the fridge for the juice. I raced to get three glasses from the cabinet.i met him and held the glasses between my fingers as he pour the content of the bottle evenly between the glasses. Once he was done pouring I exited the kitchen to place the glasses on the table. As I was walking through the archway back to the kitchen Alex passed me to take his spot at the table.

Bly was standing in the same spot. I moved to him and smile up as I grabbed the plates of food; balancing the pancakes on one hand and bacon on the other. Before I could try to reach for the plate of biscuits, Bly had them in his hand.

"Will you grab the butter and jam, too?" I asked.

"Yes, I will," he gave me a kiss then went to the refrigerator to retrieve the items asked.

I waited for him and when he caught up we both entered the dining area where we laid the items on the table and then found our seats. Him right beside me and my brother on the other side of me at the head of the table.

Once each of us were seated, we all dug in for our first meal of the day. "Oh, I forgot the syrup!" I realized and hurried out my seat.

I went to the fridge and grabbed the dark viscous topping. I returned to my brother and Bly having a conversation. It was weird seeing them talk. It was the first conversation between them I had witnessed that did not involve me or werewolves.

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