Chapter 40

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The new thing I'm adding is more POV's per chapter. It's sooo much going on in this story and I feel like there should be more than one POV per chapter, so you guys can get most of everybody's perspective on what's going on. There might be 2-4 POV's per chapter. How do you guys feel about that? Do you like more than one POV per chapter or just one POV per chapter?

And I want to thank everybody who's praying for my family, I really appreciate it. And my Dad's getting better as well. And I know I said I'd update last night but you guys won't even believe what happened. Just as we're sitting done to eat Thanksgiving dinner, the power went out. It went completely out and it was PITCH BLACK in my house. So we ate in the dark and cleaned up in the dark but we had a few candles. The power didn't come back on until this morning lmao


I woke up to bright lights shining on my face and a banging headache. I felt like I had been crushed and then sat on until I lost consciousness. My body was sore and aching, but I felt like crap. I felt like I've been laying in the same spot for several days without ever moving. My head felt massive, as if it weighed 10 tons and I was struggling to keep it up. I couldn't even keep it up though. My head was being supported by the three pillows laying beneath me. And my body was being supported by the soft cushions under me but something felt off about me. I didn't feel the same. I didn't feel like myself. I felt empty for some reason. 

My eyes stopped roaming over my body when I heard people talking. I quickly lifted my eyes up and looked around at the faces in front of me that I didn't recognize. Who were these people and why were they starring at me? Who let them in here? It's obvious I'm in a hospital room but who let these random people in my room without my permission? I know I was probably knocked out from whatever happened to me before I got in here, but damn. This hospital has no type of respect for it's patients.

I mean, one lady with a scar on her right cheek is sitting next to me crying her eyes out while some man and a little boy with pretty, green, eyes just gawk over me like I'm a piece of meat. And then there's this lady with this hazel-looking eyes and blonde hair standing at the foot of my bed with some brown skin guy, who looked like he wanted to be a preacher and a thug at the same time. He was carrying a Bible and a cross but he had tattoo's covering his arms, expensive looking gold chains around his neck and it looked like I could see the imprint of a gun through his sweatpants. But they were standing next to this woman with this long brown hair that flowed in bouncy curls down her back. And then I think it was a doctor standing next to them too. The woman looked like a doctor.

And then it was two teenage boys in the corner of my room. One of them looked like a creep while the other just sat crying with his head down. The one who was crying slightly looked up at me before wiping the tears out of his eyes. He kind of looked like the lady sitting in the chair next to me, but who knows? Maybe they are related. The one who looked like a creep kept on starring at me, but I don't know why. I have no idea who he is or who anybody else in this room is. Lastly, a dark skinned guy stood over me holding my hand. He had a fade and his ears had a few piercing's in them and his body was covered in tattoo's but what stood out the most was his finger. He had a wedding band on his left ring finger. I wonder who he's married to. I bet she's lucky because he's cute.

"Lindsey, you okay?"

I quickly looked over at the man, holding the small child's hand and looked him up and down. Who was he and who is Lindsey? Am I Lindsey? "Huh?"

"The doctors said she wouldn't remember some stuff," he whispered to the woman sitting next to me with the scar on her face, "but I ain't think she was deaf too."

The woman with the scar rolled her eyes while I sat there confused about who they were and what they were doing in my room. "Hey baby, you remember me?" she asked, rubbing my hand but I shook my head. 

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