Chapter 45

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Shoutout to @simoneOMO for making one of the covers for So Far Gone. I will be utilizing the rest of the covers I have too. :) And guys check out the new covers for Anticipation and Nobody's Business.

Guys please click the link on my page that looks like this: Every time somebody clicks on it, I make money lol I'm not sure if it works but I'll tell you guys if it works when I get a check lmao

I know it's Christmas Eve but MERRY CHRISTMAS to you guyyyyys!!!


I rolled my eyes when I saw my Mama was calling me. She told me she ran into Theodore earlier today at the mall and that she'd give me a call. I already know he filled her head with a bunch of nonsense about how I'm mistreating him and how I'm a terrible mother, but I have a logical explanation for everything I did to her.

I've always been there for Theodore and I've given him everything he's always wanted. He's never had to go wanting or needing anything because everything was always provided to him. I took an easy approach with raising him but he took advantage of me and Teddy. We disciplined him like normal parents should, but obviously it wasn't enough since he steered off the right track. He was doing fine just a few months ago and now he's somebody I can't even recognize.

I know Mama's gonna call me and cuss me out about being a terrible mother but I did it for a reason. If Theodore didn't want to take the easy way to growing up, being as privileged as he is, then he was going to have to experience life as a child without his luxuries. That's why I kicked him out; to humble him and bring him back down to reality since he's so far out on the deep end. He doesn't know how these little girls he's messing around with will get him in a load of trouble. He doesn't understand the responsibility, time and management it takes to raise a child. He doesn't see this now, but hopefully letting him be on his own for awhile, will help him to understand the value of everything he has and how me and Teddy only want the best from him. And what he's giving us now isn't his best. He's bullshitting his way through life and it's about time that he gets his act together.

"Hello?" I answered.

Mama sighed. "Victoria. I can't believe you and Teddy would kick Theodore out of the house."

I rolled my eyes. I knew it. "We have a reason for kicking him out. Theodore's been chronically disrespecting me and Teddy on a daily basis, he's disrespecting our home by bringing girls in it and sleeping with them, he's getting girls pregnant left and right and he hates us. He told us that he hates us, so why should we continue to baby a grown man who doesn't want anything to do with us anyways? We just helped him accomplish what he wanted to do, which was be on his own away from the two people he hates the most."

"And Teddy went along with this? That doesn't sound like anything he'd do, but it sure as hell sounds like something you'd do. You know, I can't believe you're still so immature and selfish Victoria. If you aren't running away from your problems, you're dismissing them as if they don't mean a great deal. You're running away from Theodore because you're afraid of what your son is doing. News flash Victoria, all teenagers have sex. You were having sex in my house with Theodore when you were his age and you didn't see me kick either one of y'all out once because of it. And you're pushing him away. I don't want him to hate anyone, especially his parents, but can you blame him? Y'all kicked a 17 year old boy out on the streets and he's spending his birthday alone. Do you know how bad he must be feeling right now?"

"He shouldn't have disrespected me or my home and he would have got the party we planned on having for his birthday. Mama, you're acting like I'm doing this out of spite. I love Theodore and I only want what's best for him."

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