Shared Body, Scared Mind

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Sonic was out for an hour or so, but he didn't know that.
He found himself staring at a world he didn't recognize. Tall obelisks and pillars covered in ivy and moss, crumbled buildings set in a C-shape, with a well in the middle. Towers with lookout points nestled at their peaks.

He recognized these places somehow, had he run by it once?

Suddenly his dream was over, the images replaced by the ceiling of Tails' workshop. "Ugh...I did it again, didn't I?" He asked.

"If you mean fainting," Tails replied. "Then okay?"

Sonic sat up. "Yeah... it all happened so fast, I..."

Tails put his hand on Sonic's shoulder. "You wanna talk about it?"

"...I was looking in the mirror, and suddenly it wasn't me anymore, it was someone else looking at me." He looked at Tails.
"He told me to run, then this other guy shows up and tries to take my head off with a sword! I just ran all over town, trying to confuse him, then came here."

"You didn't fight back?"

"It's not like I was armed, Tails!" He sighed. "What scares me is that I think the creep was after the guy in my mirror."

He's after both of us, Sonic...

There was that voice again, in his head. "I can hear his voice in my head...! I'm going crazy!"

Let me explain, Sonic! Please...

Sonic put his hands to his head. "Who are you? Are you a ghost?"

No...I'm an energy entity. I've been in your heart this whole time, regaining my strength.

Sonic moved his hands to his chest, watching as it glowed with a blue light. His heart raced as he realized he'd been sharing his body with someone else all this time. "Tails...!" He whispered.

Don't panic! I'm not going to hurt you, Sonic. I wanna help.

"Help!? It's probably your fault that guy wants my head!"

Find a mirror, Sonic. Please.

Sonic sighed. "...Tails, I need a mirror."

Tails looked skeptical, but he nodded and soon came back with a hand mirror.
Sonic took it then shivered as the hedgehog reappeared in the reflection. "Whoa!" Tails exclaimed. "You weren't kidding...!"

"Listen to me closely. My name is Autumn Wind. This form is that of my previous keeper. He died in 2450 at the hands of that knight you saw."

"2450...?" Tails shook his head. "That was almost 1300 years ago!"

"1276 years, to be exact. I've been searching for a worthy keeper since then, and I found you, Sonic."

"Why me? How am I worthy?"

"You are dedicated to protecting the world from evil, no matter what. You are a hero." Wind leaned closer. "I need your help, Sonic..."

"The guy that attacked What does he want?"

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