A Change in Memory

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"So let me make sure I've got this right..." Cosmo murmured. "You're all the hosts for some energy beings called Amethysts, fighting some guys called Obsidians. And if you don't stop their leader, Dominus, the world is doomed?"

"Pretty much...?" Sonic rubbed the back of his neck. "It probably sounds crazy, but-"

"Oh, I understand completely. I saw a lot of weird stuff traveling through space, this ain't even the weirdest."

Tails gave a sigh of relief, "That's good. I was worried for a second there." He sat down. "So I'm another Amethyst too?"

"Yes." Sonic answered. "Wind said yours is 'slumbering,' so I'm assuming that means they're not strong enough to fully manifest."

Tails held his tails nervously. "...I wonder what kind of Amethyst it is."

"We've got three springs, summers, winters and holidays to find, plus one more Autumn." Autumn said. "But don't worry, you'll manifest when the time is right."

"I wonder if I'm one of the other twelve Amethysts...!" Cosmo mumbled.

"Well, besides Autumn, the keepers have all been people we know in one way or another." Shadow replied. "So it's a possibility."

Sonic closed his eyes tight. "...After what happened to Tails, I can't...I can't risk holding back my powers..."

"You want to merge with Wind?" Amy asked.

"Amy, I know you don't like the idea of losing me...but I can't let that sort of thing happen to-" he paused as Amy put a finger on his lips, then gasped as she replaced it with her own lips. "Mmph! Mmm...?"

Amy pulled back. "I'm sorry, Sonic...If you think you need to do this...I'm with you...with you both."

Sonic smiled, then hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Amy...!"

Are you sure you're ready for this, Sonic? Wind asked.

Sonic nodded. "I...yes." He closed his eyes, then gasped as cold crept into every part of his body. His limbs trembled, and for a moment, he was unconscious, unaware of anything. His surroundings, his thoughts...his name.

Suddenly it all shoved back into his mind, his own memories and the memories of those before.
He saw the towers and obelisks again, but this time, he knew what it was, where it was. He saw the previous keepers, their deaths, and he screamed as Zircon's blade penetrated his torso, and he saw the terror in Leaf's eyes.

No wonder she'd been so scared to heal anyone.

His mind was a blurry mess of memories and thoughts, but like Leaf had said, there was a gap, between when he'd left Augustus, and when his memories began.

No. Their memories.

His eyes snapped open, and he gasped before his lightheadedness took over and he fell forward, caught by Shadow. "Ugh...!"

"You okay...you?" Shadow asked.

He chuckled. "I'll be fine..." He looked up at Amy, giving a soft smirk. "...and call me Wind." He stood up and pulled her close as she fought back tears. "Listen to me...just because I'm not Sonic anymore doesn't mean I'm not still your friend...!"

Amy sniffled. "Son...Wind...I know this is important...But I feel like...like I'm missing part of me now...!"

Wind stroked her head as she cried softly into his shoulder. "It's okay...I promise it'll be okay...!" He whispered. "But hey...at least now I won't be talking to myself asking questions."

Amy smiled a little. "Yeah...You looked like you'd totally lost it every time that happened...!"

"You tell him."

"No, you tell him."

"I'm not telling him! You're a girl, it'll be easier on him coming from you!"

"Excuse me!? You think that being a girl makes stuff easier!? I aught to duct tape your beak! Or even better, I'll just stop fixing your board!"

Jet sighed, running his fingers through his feathered crest. He could hear his teammates' argument through the curtain. Just give me the bad news, you two...!

Wave stepped back into view, followed by Storm. "Heh...Hi Jet. How's your voice?"

Jet rolled his eyes, then placed a hand on the muzzle covering his beak. Was it his fault that he couldn't keep his voice under control? He didn't think so.
Out of the blue, he'd passed out right before practice, and now every word he spoke came out as a loud squawk, the kind that drove his teammates crazy.

"...They don't know what's going on, but don't worry, they're trying to find a cure, Jet." Wave replied. "It won't be long before you're back on the circuit."

Yeah...sure. He looked away from Wave's gaze. Why did she have to see him this way...? Why did this have to happen right before he decided to tell her...how he felt?

"No offense, boss, but you look like a mental patient with that on." Storm announced.

Jet slammed his head into the pillows. how was he not supposed to take offense at that!?

Thankfully, Wave elbowed the albatross for him. "You idiot! You don't say that to him!"

"See!? This is why I told you to tell him!"

It's like having laryngitis, only worse. Jet closed his eyes, waving a hand. Just...just go.

Wave got the message. "Come on, Storm. Let's give him some privacy..."

Jet laid back in the bed, staring up at the ceiling. What's the matter with me...? I'm the fastest Extreme Gear Racer on the circuit, and I'm lying here in the hospital and unable to say anything without sounding like I'm yelling into a megaphone.

He laid there, listening to the him of the air conditioner in the corner. Please let this all end quickly...I need my feet off the ground.

Just so y'all know, the hopping around between Wind and Sonic's thoughts has ended, and Sonic will now be referred to as Wind. ;)

The Gems in Us All (HIATUS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora