A Rose Blooms

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"So we're moving to a floating mansion?" Silver asked. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Shadow? Somebody could fall off and, well... die!"

"The apartment is getting small with four of us in here." Shadow responded. "Besides, everyone here can either sprout wings on command, already has wings, or can telekinetically catch themselves."

"I'm still a sleeper, Shadow... I don't know if Ice and I will ever cooperate! He's kinda a jerk."

Hey! Ice complained. I saved your life when you were locked up in a stasis capsule for fourteen years! Or have you forgotten about that already!?

"So far, all he's done is protect himself through me! I'm not some living shield! Why pick me anyway!?"

I thought you had potential! What a mistake that was...!

"Oh shut up...!"

Shadow sighed. "I know it's a big and strange adjustment... I had to quit my job at GUN because I was too busy fighting Obsidians to get any work done, but it has to be done for everyone's safety... Especially Autumn's."

Silver sighed, seeing Autumn helping Rouge put dishes and other things in boxes. "Yeah... I don't want him to go through that again..."

"None of us do." Shadow closed his own box then picked it up. "We're borrowing a GUN shuttle to transport things. Personal favor I asked of Tower."


"That was a fun movie, wasn't it?"

"It was a chickflick, that's for sure."

Amy elbowed Wind as he walked alongside her. "I saw you laughing, admit it!"

Wind smirked. "Fine... I did enjoy it. But I enjoyed your company more, Amy."

Amy blushed, edging closer to her date. "...You're different, Wind... But I still like you."

Wind sighed. "Really... Sometimes I wonder if I made the right-"
He suddenly stopped, looking around.

"What is it?" Amy asked.


"You've got that right, Feather-Boy!" Onyx jeered as he and his partners Tourmaline and Chromium appeared out of the darkness.

"Amy, get out of here!" Wind shouted, then yelped as Chromium grabbed his jacket and threw him to the side. His head hit the stone wall of the bridge they'd been crossing, then he yelped as he fell over the side and slammed onto the muddy riverbank below with a whimper. "Ugh...!"

"Wind!" Amy shouted, but the Amethyst didn't respond, lying still.

"Now I have you...!" Tourmaline hissed as he jumped down to the downed hero, pulling back his sword before swinging it down.

The blade met with an object, but not what he'd expected. Rather than Wind's body, it had slammed straight into Amy's hammer, which she held in front of herself and Wind like a shield. "Impressive, mortal... But not good enough!"

Any yelped as he pulled his blade free, her hammer vanishing as she cradled Wind in her arms. "You leave him alone! Leave us alone!"

"I don't take orders from-"

Amy felt a hot energy building up in her chest, and with a scream, she set it loose.
The Obsidians shrieked in pain as from the female hedgehog came an explosion of light and heat, washing over them and incinerating them and the surroundings until all that was left was the smoking, stone underside of the bridge, Amy, and Wind in the middle of a circle of burnt land in a thirty-foot diameter.

Amy uncurled from around Wind, looking around. "Oh my Chaos...! Did... Did I do that...!?" She whispered.

Such power is few and far between, Amy Rose... A voice in her head whispered. You need to learn not to let your temper get the best of you, or people can be hurt. Let your thoughts guide your actions...

Her attention was caught again by Wind as he stirred, his eyes opening and looking at her. "Wind...!"

"Amy... I thought I told you to-" he paused as he saw the burned land around them, then back to Amy. "Spring Rose...!" He whispered with a smile, then he wrapped his arms around her neck in a hug. "Thank Chaos...!"

Amy was confused, but hugged him back. "We're okay..."

"We need to get out of here... The police will be wondering... what caused that explosion...!"

Amy placed one of his arms over her shoulders. "You okay?"

"Just got the air knocked outta me... And a killer headache...!"

Amy nodded. "Let's get you home..."

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