Fire and Ice

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"Keep up, Silver!"

"Coming, coming...!" Silver clapped his book shut as he noticed Shadow and Rouge were far ahead of him down the street, but Autumn was the one to call his name. He hadn't meant to dawdle. He picked up the pace, catching up to Autumn. "Sorry."

"You really like the book, don't you?"

"It's history. The more we know about it-"

The more boring my life is...

Silver rolled his eyes as Ice complained. "...The more we might be able to understand the Amethysts' purpose." He finished. "Honestly Ice, it's not like I asked for you to be in my head. This is my body, after all."

Our body, Silver the Hedgehog. We both share... Ooh.


Ice took over for a brief moment, turning Silver's head to look at someone across the street. Hot stuff coming through...

The purple cat was standing on the other side of the street, looking around and up and down the street like she was lost and her tail twitching nervously.

"Go talk to her."

Silver looked down at Autumn. "What? Why? I don't know her."

"Trust me on this. You can help her...And if you don't, I will."

Go! Go now!

Silver was still for a second, and then gave a groan. "Fine... Just tell Rouge and Shadow what I'm doing, and that it was your idea!"

Autumn grinned and then hurried off down the street. Silver waited for a clearing, and then jogged across the street. "...Uh...Hi." He greeted.

The cat looked up to him. "Oh...Hello. Can I help you?"

"Actually...My little brother told me to come help you. You looked lost."

"I am..." The cat admitted. "...I'm supposed to be looking for some powerful beings, but I have no idea what they look like! And...Please don't think I'm crazy, but..." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "...I have another voice in my head."

Silver's eyes widened, taking a step back. Ice...

Hmm...She does seem kinda special to me...But maybe it's just the hips.

"You do think I'm crazy!" The cat cried. "Oh no...!"

"No no no! I don't think that at all!" He took her hands, though blushing as he realized it. "I...I just...Is this other voice a-"


Silver was pulled down to the ground as something whizzed over them, and he whipped around to see an obsidian standing behind him with a bow and another arrow ready to fire. "Oh brilliant...!"

The cat ducked behind Silver. "There's more of them!?"

"Ah...Winter Ice." The obsidian chuckled. "Ice to meet your new vessel..."

Oh great. Ice muttered, a comedian...!

"We just need to hold them off until the others get back..." Silver hissed. "...Emissary of Hope!"

Chills surged through Silver's body as he transformed, and then formed a wall of ice to block the arrow. He jumped as it penetrated the ice, stopping just short of his nose. "Whoa...! Go, it's not safe here."

"Yeah, no kidding...! Any ideas, Chilly?"

There's only one person who'd call me that...

Silver jumped as Ice took over the body, turning to face the cat whose eyes were suddenly glowing gold and glaring at him. "...Summer Heat?"

"Who else, you cold-blooded hobgoblin?" The cat smacked Ice's head. "You left me on Wykinsa! I can't believe you!"

"Oh well excuse me for making a executive decision!"

Silver forced himself back into control. "WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" He shouted. "Heat, can you assist us?"

"As much as I'd like to, I only changed to this body a few weeks ago. My energy's not synchronized enough yet to even ignite a spark."

Well isn't that just-

Silver didn't bother listening to Ice any further as another arrow hit the wall. "Okay, we need to get on the offensive. Get yourself somewhere safer, we'll cover you. Ice, I need you to send some sort of distress signal to Rouge. She's the closest winter we've got."

Since when do you tell me what to do?

"Just do it...!" Silver threw his arms out and the ice wall shot forward, sliding across the sidewalk and smashing into the obsidian with a crunch. He peeked around the wall, finding the obsidian had been knocked a good ways away and his bow out of reach. "Alright..."

He'd never really touched an obsidian before. The being's body felt soft, almost squishy like putty. He grabbed them by their coat and held them up off of the ground. "Why do you guys do this? I know you can do better than this."

Are you seriously having a conversation with the enemy!? Poof him already!

The obsidian growled. "It's our job, Quills...! We kill you, you kill us...It's an endless cycle!"

"Would you do something different if you had the option?"

The obsidian was quiet for a moment. "...Never really thought about it."

"You got a name?"


"Well think about it, Pyrite... Because once we take down Dominus, you're all gonna be out of a boss...!" Silver dropped the obsidian over the side of the fence, watching him tumble down the hill before dissipating into smoke.



You just tried to turn an obsidian! Who does that!?

"Someone who doesn't want to fight like this...I want my own life."

"So do I..."

Silver turned as the cat came up to him. "I thought I told you to find cover."

"Well first of all, I don't take orders from someone just because they can grow wings on command. Secondly, I want to help. Those things murdered my mother because she had the power of fire, and the spirit went to me. I can't let the same thing happen to anyone else!"

Silver was quiet for a moment, and then smiled as he held out a hand in greeting. "Silver, also known as Winter Ice."

The cat gave a curtsy. "Princess Blaze..."

"Well then, your majesty. Allow me to escort you to the rest of the Amethysts... Wind's gonna flip his lid."

What is this!? A new chapter!? Yes, it is!

Once again, I apologize for the long wait, I just had things come up.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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