Trying to Adjust

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"What took you so long to get back!?"

Espio smirked as he stepped into the agency. "I missed you too, Vector... I had some stuff that came up while I was away."
He turned as Shade followed him in, adjusting the coat she was wearing. "This is Shade. She's my girlfriend."

"Your what!?" Vector tapped his foot. "You go out of the country and come back with a girl!?"

"I think you should chill." Shade muttered, her eyes glowing green for a moment.

Vector's eyes flashed green as well, then he suddenly looked very tired. "Well fine, but I don't want her stuff all over my space!" He yawned. "I'm gonna get in a few Zs..."

As Vector wandered off, Espio shook his head. "You've gotta be careful, Shade. We're not completely sure what all your powers do."

"I am being careful... Let's just hope you're right about all this."

"I know I am..."

"What happened to you!?" Tails exclaimed as Amy practically dragged Wind into the workshop.

"Attacked by Obsidians... Wind got knocked out and I manifested..." Amy replied. She helped Wind over to the mattress in the corner, laying him down. "How's your head...?"

"S-Still hurts... But I'll be okay." He reached up and stroked her cheek. "Thank you, Rose..."

Amy's eyes glowed for a moment as Rose gave a smile through her, then they faded and Amy kissed Wind's forehead. "You just rest, okay?"

"Spring Rose, huh...?" Tails smirked. "I should've known. Even your last name fits."

"Yeah, well... We've got quite the adventure going on right now. All these people are finding out they're basically possessed!"

"It's too bad we can't just... manifest them all at once." Tails murmured. "It would be too confusing for the Obsidians to go after all of them at one time."

"Maybe we can. I'll have to ask the others when we get the chance, but for now, we just need to keep working on our abilities... I need to figure out how to use mine without blowing up half the park."

"You blew up the park!?"

"Not all of it!... Just under the bridge."

Tails shook his head. "Oh boy... I'll be back, Amy. I promised Cosmo I'd see her this evening."

Amy nodded. "Have fun, Tails." She waited until Tails had left the workshop, then held her hands out in front of her, watching little sparkles of light form in her palms. "Now let's see what I can do with my powers..."


...Maybe you should put it over there. No, there! No there!

"Would you shut up!?" Silver shouted, putting his hands over his ears. "Ugh, is there a way to get rid of you!?"

No such luck, kiddo.

Silver placed the box down on the floor. "Okay look, if we're gonna be sharing the same body, then we need to figure something out, because this isn't working."

We wouldn't have a problem if you'd just let me have full control, like your predecessor did.

"I'm not my predecessor, Winter Ice. I never will be. Autumn is the only amethyst that is his own person, not sharing a body with anyone else. The rest of us have to work together to fight, to be ourselves." Silver lifted a hand and clenched it, ice forming over his hand. "...the Obsidians will just kill me and capture you if we don't work this out."

"I'd listen to him, if I were you."

Silver turned to see Autumn peeking in. "Autumn..."

"I'm sorry about the other day, Silver... I didn't mean to hurt anyone..."

"I know... It hurt me more to know that you couldn't do anything about it." He bent down to the smaller hedgehog. "But you're okay now, and we're going to make sure that nobody ever tries to hurt you again."

Autumn nodded. "And I'm going to-" He paused, staring for a moment before his eyes widened. "...I felt something."

"Like what?"

"...Like... like several Amethysts manifesting at one time."

Then the two turned as they heard Rouge shouting downstairs. "What's that about?"

"I dunno... we'd better check it out."

It' can't be that important...! Ice argued, but Silver ignored his partner, following Autumn out of the bedroom and down the hall.

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