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"Where are we going, Wind?" Tails asked. "What did you see flying over?"

Wind wasn't entirely sure what he'd seen himself. But something down here had given him the chills. And that made him curious. "I'll know it when I see it..."

"You don't think the Obsidians would attack us right now, right Wind? I mean...there's four of us right here."

"Yeah. Two manifests and two sleepers. No way they'd attack us." Autumn grumbled.

Wind glared, then yelped as the ground suddenly vanished out from under him and he slid down a slope. "Gyah!"


Wind rolled down the steep slope, finally coming to a stop as he slammed into something hard. "Aah! Ow...!" He whimpered, then looked up and gasped. "This is it...!"

He stood in a large clearing, though a few trees had grown in the center. Old buildings stood around him, mostly intact, and a well and tall obelisk stood in the center of the clearing.

He'd been here another life. "Camp...our predecessors' camp...!"

"Wind, are you-whoa." Silver paused as he looked around. "What is this place?"

"Where the Amethysts used to live..." Wind wandered towards the door of one the buildings, and he yelped as images flashed by in his head. "Ah...!"


Wind's mind fell back in time. He could see it...the day it had all gone bad.
"Stream...she fell there by the well...Daylight...he tried to defend her but...! Winter only made it the obelisk...Sweet Rose...she fought to protect the kids...! I couldn't save them...!"

Wind started to sob into his hands, and Autumn wrapped his arms around him tightly.

"It'll be okay, Wind...!" He whispered. "I swear...that Dominus won't kill anyone else again...!"

Wind hugged Autumn back. "Why did I have to watch my family die...!? I would've died first if it had stopped them from...from...!"

"Shh...It's over now..."

Wind felt Tails and Silver join in the hug, and he rested his head against Tails' chest. "What's the matter with me...?" He whispered.

"You've never really mourned them before..." Silver whispered. "But it's gonna be alright...we'll stop Dominus for good this time..."

Wind hoped he was right.

Leaf knew something was wrong. She could sense another Amethyst in turmoil, but where?

Knuckles was at the shrine, so he wasn't there to help her figure out what was wrong.

She sat down by the chao pool and closed her eyes, reaching with her mind for the other Amethysts. Images flew by her eyes... Wind was in emotional distress, but she could tell others were tending to him, the one she sensed was all alone.

Slowly a voice entered her mind, panicked and fearful. N-No...don't die on me! Just hang in there! Stay awake! Please...!

She opened her eyes again, then pulled out her communicator. "Charge, I can feel another Amethyst in distress."

Really? I don't sense anything.

"Then it must be a Summer Amethyst. I'm going to try to find them."

You sure you can do this on your own?

"Hmm... I guess I could use some assistance..."

I'm on my way.

Leaf nodded, then took in a deep breath before unfolding her wings. "Other Summer Amethyst...please be okay..."

Ray sat close to Mighty, his face full of concern. "C-Come on...Rub your hands together, blow on them, something!"

"I'll be okay, get some sleep..."

He himself started to nod off, but he shook his head sharply.
N-No! Mighty, you gotta stay awake! Remember!? You're gonna protect Ray, like you promised...! He thought, trying his hardest to stay alert despite his weakening resolve.

Armadillos weren't meant to be in icy climates like this, Mighty was freezing much faster than Ray was, but he wouldn't admit it.

He looked up to the sky, the clouds blocking his view of the stars, but he knew they were out there. "Please, stars...don't let us both die in the cold and snow tonight...! I'm asking for a miracle...!"

A miracle, huh...?

Mighty was certain he'd heard a voice on the wind, and he gasped as a bluish aura appeared around him, like a protective barrier.
Warmth seeped into his body, and he held closer to Ray, hoping he would feel it too.

Ray looked up, his eyes wide as he stared at the peculiar aura. "Mighty...what is that...?" He whispered.

Mighty smiled, "A miracle...!" The aura brightened

"Well, what do we have here...?"

They looked up as a hand reached out towards them. Through the falling snow, he could see it was a squirrel, her gaze gentle and kind. "Please..."

"You two shouldn't be outside in this weather. I know someplace where you can be warm."

That was all they needed to hear. Mighty forced himself up onto his feet, picking Ray up in his arms, and the two followed her into the snowy night.

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