A Damaged Friendship

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"What...Happened!?" Amy shouted. "Is Sonic okay!?"

This was her reaction when Shadow came into the house, holding a limp Sonic in his arms whose face was extremely pale.

"Obsidians attacked him on Angel Island...he'll live, but he needs rest." Shadow responded, resting his rival on the couch. "You'll keep an eye on him, right?"

"Of course!" Amy hurried over, placing a hand on his forehead. "You're sure he's going to be alright?"

"Those were Chaos' instructions."

"Since when can Chaos-"

"I don't know. I will be getting answers, but for now, I need to rest."

Amy nodded, watching Shadow leave and closing the door behind him before returning to Sonic's side. "This is getting too dangerous...I won't let this happen again."


Sonic's entire body hurt when he regained consciousness. The last thing he remembered was Tikal thrusting her fist into his chest.

His eyes opened, exposing a familiar scene. He looked around, seeing the home owner sitting in an armchair nearby. "Amy..." He whispered.

Amy stood up, coming over. "Sonic! You're awake...!"

"Ugh...I feel like I got hit by a bus..." Sonic put his arms against the cushions, preparing to push himself up into a sitting position.

"N-No! Don't move too much... Just rest."

"I can't rest, Ames. I need to get back to finding Am-"

"I'm not letting you."

What!? Wind asked, just as the same word left Sonic's lips. Is she forbidding you from finishing your quest?

"...A-Amy, I-"

"No, Sonic. This has proven that this mission is too dangerous. I won't let you endanger yourself further."

Sonic forced himself to a sitting position, despite her protests. "Amy, I can handle myself...!"

"Clearly not! Or else this wouldn't have happened!"

"I can't quit now, not after I've gotten so far! I've gone against dozens of villains. Why does this one bother you so much?"

"I almost lost you this time!" Amy's hands balled into fists. "I won't let you do this anymore, Sonic...!"

She loves you dearly, Sonic... Wind murmured. ...but you know we can't give up...What do we do?

Sonic closed his eyes. "Amy...Giving up this mission... Is betraying my queen. I cannot do that."

"You'd get yourself killed, just to fight some old woman's war for her!?"

Old woman...!? Wind growled, and Sonic fought against him. How could a girl be so disrespectful!?

She's upset, Wind. Sonic forced himself onto his feet, his body trembling not from weakness, but from the weight of the words leaving his mouth. "If you can't respect my task, Amy...then I think we shouldn't speak anymore."

Amy stared in shock, and Sonic took off out the door. He ran away from the house, the city, until he was out in the open fields, then collapsed to his knees and sobbed into his hands.

I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry...! Wind whispered, his own voice cracking. This is all my fault, I...I didn't mean to-

"Don't apologize, partner... Maybe it's for the best...!" Sonic tried to sound convincing, but he still sobbed into his gloves, soaking them until they dripped salty tears onto the ground below.


Amy stared at the open door, her body frozen stiff. Had he...had he just broken up his friendship with her? Over a stupid quest!?

"SOOOOOOOOONIIIIIIIIIIIIIC!!!" She shouted, setting off the dogs in the neighborhood.
She fell to her knees, angry tears in her eyes. How could he leave her like that!? He didn't know what went through her mind every time he got hurt!

Go after him, Amy... A voice in her mind whispered. It was faint, but just strong enough to get her attention.

No...he doesn't care. What good would it do...!?

"Amy...?" Amy looked up as her neighbor Cream poked her head into the house. "What's the matter?"

"N-Nothing... Somebody just told me I wasn't his friend anymore."

Cream put her hands on her hips. "Well you're definitely not friends anymore if you don't go fix it."

"What do you mean...?"

Cream's eyes glowed gold. She was an Amethyst too! "I mean, go after him, you idiot!"
Amy got up, looking shocked for a moment, then Cream turned back to normal. "Come on, I'll go with you."

Amy hesitated, then swallowed and gave a nod, taking the rabbit's hand. "Okay..."

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