Dark Awakening

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Amy kicked hard at the cell bars, trying to get loose from Eggman's grip. "Let me out, Eggman!"

"And lose my excellent bait for Sonic? Not a chance, sweetie!" Eggman cackled. "I've seen his and Shadow's new powers, and I'd like to know just what's going on...and how to reverse it."

He turned and faced Amy, leaning incredibly close to the bars. "Do you know their secret, Miss Rose...?"

"Even if I did, I would never tell you...!" Amy kicked at his face, but he pulled back too fast. She growled, her knuckles white from gripping the bars.
Sonic...don't come. It's a trap...! Don't worry about me, just...keep away.


Sonic woke up almost eighteen hours after Leaf had knocked him out. He wasn't happy about Amy being held captive that long, but Tikal argued that he must've needed that much sleep.

He had to admit, he couldn't think of a time he'd ever felt more awake and rested.

He closed his eyes. Wind, you still there?

As present as ever. But I also think this is a trap...

"Eh, probably." Sonic stretched, then transformed into his winged form. The wound was gone, though his wings felt a little stiff. He flapped them a few times then went out to the living room. "Okay, I'm up. What's the plan?"

"You and I go to Eggman's base and get Amy. Plain and simple." Shadow answered.

"I wanna come too!" Autumn complained. "Pleeeeeeeeeease, Mr. Shadow?"

"You can barely use your powers, kid!" Charmy replied. "It'll be too dangerous for you."

"Kid!? I'm older than you!" Autumn crossed his arms. "It's so unfair! Mr. Sonic only got hurt because he told me not to go anywhere! I could've-"

"You're staying put, Autumn. End of story." Shadow answered.

Sonic could see betrayal in Autumn's eyes as they left the house. "He's gonna try to follow, you know."

"Yeah...but hopefully he's right when he said he could handle himself..."


Finding Eggman's "secret" base wasn't all that hard. In fact, it seemed too easy.

Does the word "trap" come to mind...? Thaw asked.

Shadow rolled his eyes. "Unfortunately, yes..."

"Hey, I've noticed Charmy and Daylight have practically merged." Sonic said, pulling out his mirror. "How does that happen?"

"It requires intense concentration, and full cooperation." Wind explained. "Your thoughts mingle and you gain full control of your Amethyst abilities..."

"Too bad we're both too old to cooperate very well." Sonic said.

Excuse me!? I mean, you're right, but-

Sonic grinned. "Having the memories of your previous partnerships would be odd, though."

"We could still merge...but-"

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