Shifting Directions

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"You buffoons!" The cloaked shape smacked the back of the returning soldiers' heads. "Dominus will have our heads!"

"It's not our fault the Amethysts picked seasoned warriors, Morganite!" Onyx complained. "Gimme a break!"

"You, Tourmaline and Chromium are supposed to be working together! Zircon and Citrine have had more kills than you!"
Morganite pinched her nose, her long black hair draping down her back. "I try to put in good words for you, and this is what I get...!"

"Why not send Alexandrite out?" Chromium suggested, his mouth full. "He can destroy those guys, no problem!"

"Alexandrite has been in storage for a millennia. It would take weeks to train him up to code."

"Having difficulty with these slackers, Morganite?" Zircon asked.

"Yes...not that your team is doing much better. At least you got Wind down. We would be down one Amethyst if Leaf hadn't suddenly manifested. We couldn't take her out with Charge, Daylight and Thaw all there too."

"We need a better approach...attack them where they're most vulnerable..."

Morganite grinned. "Yes...and I know just the Obsidian to do it. Find Quartz for me. She has a job to do..."

"Aren't these roses pretty, Miles?"

Tails grinned. "Yeah. Sonic could use some of these to help his apology to Amy."

"What did he need to apologize for?"

"Oh...well, it was kind of over something stupid, but-"

Cosmo giggled. "I'm kidding, Tails! I might not be in the loop of what your friends are doing, but even I heard about that argument. I'm glad they worked it out."

Tails blushed. "Y-Yeah..." He watched as Cosmo stroked a rose bud, causing it to unfold and bloom. "Can all of your kind do that?"

"Hmm? Oh, no. Just me...Galaxina thinks I'm just closer to nature than everyone else..."

"How cute."
Tails looked up the hill, seeing an Obsidian standing on the top, a vixen with beautiful, but deceptive eyes. "Your precious little plants...!"

Tails put himself of Cosmo. "Leave her be!"

The Obsidian chuckled, tossing her red bangs out of her face. "Oh, that won't be too hard, little kitsune..." She waved her scepter. "'s not the talking bush I'm after!"

Tails growled angrily, then gasped as he was lifted off the ground, rings of black forming around him. "Aah!!" He shouted, struggling to free himself.

"Oh! Tails!" Cosmo cried.

"Rrrrgh! R-Run, Cosmo!" Tails ordered.

Cosmo hesitated, but then took off towards the village.

Tails glared at the obsidian. "What do you want, you creep!?"

"Ooh...Let's not be offensive, kid. You're close to Wind's keeper, which makes you perfect for his Lordship's plan!"

"Rrrraugh! I'll never help you monsters...!" He yelped as the rings wrapped around his body tightly, gasping as the energy started to creep over him. "N-No! Rrrrgh!"

"Don't fight. It'll be over soon...!"

Tails struggled harder, "SONIIIIIIIC!!!!" he screamed as the energy washed over his face, then he fell into the deep darkness.

"Tails!?" Sonic sat up on his couch, where he'd been napping. He knew he'd heard his friend's cry... "Tails is in trouble!"

I agree, Wind replied. I can feel the dark energy of an Obsidian nearby...

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