Free-Falling Fowl

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"...Wind, can you stop hovering over my shoulder like that?"

Wind looked down at his feet, examining the space between his feet and the floor. "Is there a problem, Shadow?" He asked.

"Its just weird to look over and see that. It's like you're standing on an invisible box!"

Wind smirked, "Who's to say I'm not...?"

"And that's the Sonic side talking."

Wind fell backwards, landing on a cushion of air like a giant pillow. "This whole thing is weird. I'm not either one of those people anymore, and suddenly I can be lying on nothing!" He hung down in Shadow's face. "WHO AM I!?"

Shadow pushed his face out of his. "You're still a hero, you idiot. This was your choice."

"I know...I'm sorry. I just need time to adjust...WHOA!" He yelped as the air broke out from under him, landing hard on the floor. "...Ow."

"Serves ya right...hmm."

Wind got up and dusted himself off, then turned to Shadow. "What?"

"It appears Jet the Hawk is in the hospital. 'Jet the Hawk, current Extreme Gear Circuit champion, is in the hospital after mysteriously passing out during practice and upon regaining consciousness, unable to speak normally. Instead his voice is louder than usual, though doctors have yet to identify the cause.

"You know, South Migration had that exact same problem, except he never really shut up. Ever."

"Do you think there's a connection?"

"Please no...! If Jet is an Amethyst, I'm not sure how either of us would handle it."

"We should check anyway. If he isn't, then you'll surely sense it."

Wind sighed. "You're right...when do we go?"

"Okay, clear this up for me." Silver asked. "I'm more mature than he is, but he's older than me, so...who's babysitting whom?"

"Hey!" Autumn complained. "I am emotionally wounded by that remark!"

"Rouge is watching both of you." Shadow replied. "She'll be making sure you boys don't destroy the house."

"Hmph. Fine..." Autumn muttered. "Keep in touch, okay? I don't wanna find out you guys got in a fight without me!"

Wind chuckled. "Not to worry, Autumn. We won't be gone that long..."

"What if Jet isn't an Amethyst? Or what if he doesn't agree to help you?"

"Then we'll have to work with it. But for now, let's hope for the best."

Rouge kissed Shadow's cheek. "Don't die on me."

"Of course not." Shadow hugged her. "We'll be back in a couple days."

As Wind took off into the air, he paused, closing his eyes. "So much energy...It's intoxicating."

"Try to focus. We have work to do."


Jet had tried to sleep, but with the muzzle, it was practically impossible. He laid in the bed quietly, his eyes closed in mock sleep until he heard a strange sound.

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