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At home, Sean was showing a sure change for the better but even so, he started to contemplate on adult decisions.

He even came across a possible decision of allowing us to be sent away to an orphanage.

He'd explained the separation possibilities to me before and I know he'd never let that happen, that's what made me even more confused when he'd debated so hard on the choice.

Why would he think so hard and long on a topic he'd never do unless he actually would do it.

Even though that fact was still on the table, I looked up to my brother even more so than I did before and if he decides to send us away, I'll respect his decision.

I know he'd never hurt me and he sure is smart for a boy like him.

He'd always get us into something stupid but no matter what, he'd always have a plan to get us out.


That night, he came into my room.

I was up still. Not doing anything productive, but I was up.

"Kade?" He said, slowly coming in. He had a semi-tall figure in the dim light.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can I talk to you, please?" His voice was still and steady.

"Course." I replied, sitting up in bed and ruffling my uncomfortably matted hair.

He came in fully and sat on the edge of my bed. He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees while he played with his fingers.

Whenever he did that it meant he was fixing to tell me something that he didn't know how I'd react to.

I watched his face as we sat in silence for a moment.

He had long flippy hair that was brown and in desperate need of a trim. It wasn't dirty looking but kind of too straight and without volume. He'd never flip his hair in the house around me but more often shift it around with his fingers to put it in his desired place.

The only time he'd flip it was for a girls attention or if he wanted to intimidate some one.

I personally would say it would make him look weaker but it actually seemed to work.

His face was always tight usually, before everything it was loose and kind. Though he's kind on the inside, his face is hard and mean. Girls find him attractive. I wouldn't directly call him attractive ever, no way no how but I do tend to blush when people comment on how similar we look.

Pulling me away from the focus of his face, he finally said, "Tomorrow, you need to pack okay?"

I froze.

If we left with bags I knew Sean wouldn't be planning on coming back any time soon.

"Orphanage?" I asked after a moment of dead quiet.

"Orphanage." He said simply.

"But..." He shot me a hard look that meant to not argue his choice.

I didn't.

"Goodnight." He stood and started for the door.

"Sean," I said. He paused at the door not bothering to turn around. "I love you."

He chuckled. "Shut up, loser." He said playfully.

I was indeed disappointed at his choice but he was older and clearly knew much more than I ever would. Although hesitant, I was far from scared to leave. Maybe another adventure awaited?

Maybe it would be fun this time.

Maybe, I hoped. Maybe.

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Where stories live. Discover now