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We made sure to stay a generous distance back so they wouldn't catch on.

They still weren't aware that anyone had seen them leave. They'd left so easily I assumed they'd done this almost a hundred times before. They just jumped the desk, took the keys, unlocked the door, and they were gone.

We kept following them through the dark. Fortunately though, this city had tons of lights. It was incredibly bright for being night time.

There were tons of people out also, despite the time. It made it easier for us to duck out of the girls' sights as we followed-not that they looked back anyways.

We just kept walking slowly for about ten minutes before we reached the start point of a gate. It looked to be a gated park but it had no playground areas.

Sean put his arm out to stop me. We stood and watched as they walked further up the sidewalk and to the gates entrance.

The SnapBack girl pulled on the gates but it had been chained up. It was clear they'd been expecting this since they didn't grudge over it, just walked to a near bush on the outside, reached behind and easily pulled out a pair of large garden shears.

The beanie girl brought them up to the chains and fairly quickly broke through the metals. Then, she simply placed them back behind the bush.

Sean just watched, intrigued.

SnapBack girl opened the gate and they entered, closing it behind them.

Sean looked down at me for a moment then raised his eyebrow. He smiled and made his way to where the girls had just entered.

He slowly opened them up at an attempt at being quiet. He was good at this fortunately.

The park was very very large. It was gated in all the way around. It wouldn't be too hard to spy without them seeing.

I was still glancing around at the scenery but Sean suddenly pulled me forward.

"Ow!" I complained.

"Shh, I see them."



He led me over to a tree where we hid. That was the first time I'd noticed the glow in the very center of the park. It was a large fountain, spurting out clear blue water. It had lights in it that made the water look as though it lit up.

"Who are they?" Sean whispered.

I look over at the fountain. There were four people rather than just the two girls.

These new people however, were males.

I heard Sean's breathing pick up after the group began yelling back and forth, the girls against the guys.

They'd been smoking something odd. Some type of drug most likely.

"What are they smoking?" I asked Sean. I don't know why but I just expected him to know.

"Looks like marijuana." He answered.

"How do you know?"

"Hush, Kade."

"Fine." I said as I knelt down.

The argument picked up after each passing second. I'm not sure what it was about but they were loud.

"Why are you acting like a couple of sluts?" One guy spat in their direction.

I flinched and stood instantly.

Sean put a hand on my shoulder and I knelt back down, gathering my cool.

The fight went physical very quickly. Everything went downhill from there.

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Where stories live. Discover now