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As we sit in awkward dead silence, I remember something. Deciding to share the thought with Sean, I say to no one in particular, "Can I get some air for a sec'?"

The still unrecognized twin answers in acceptance and I give a quick glance towards Sean just long enough to make the slightest bit of eye contact. Then, I head out the front door. I already knew he'd get the signal so I just sat and waited for him on the steps.

As expected, he emerges from the house in just a few moments.

He sits next to me. "What?"

I don't hesitate in responding. "I was thinking, we could just to Brad's house then we wouldn't have to wait here. Besides, I don't know if I can take anymore of the awkward silence. Plus, Aunt Claire would be more than happy to make us all a decent meal. It's time for a visit anyways."

"Woah, slow the reasons, champ. I get it." He interrupted my persuasive attempts. "You don't think I know we could go to his house? I just don't want to."

I stop entirely, my mouth drops and I swear my jaw slams into the cement sidewalk.

Gathering myself, I simply say, "Sean, shut up."

He looks at me. "I'm serious. I mean, like what if it's just not the same ya know. Like it'll be just as awkward with him as it is with what's his name." He was referring to the twin.

"You're just..."

"No you just wouldn't understand, Kade." Sean cuts me off.

"I wouldn't understand? Of course I wouldn't in your eyes. No, it's you who doesn't understand. It's you who doesn't even wanna see his cousin, his best friend. It's you who's being the cry baby. It's you okay? You're just a fake wanna be!" I'm not sure why I got so angry but something about his attitude towards certain things just sets me off.

"Kade, I'm just saying that we've been away for awhile. It'll take time for people that haven't seen us in awhile to adjust to us being back. Like that twin in there. He's only awkward 'cause he hasn't seen us in a long time."

"No." I say almost instantly. "He's awkward 'cause he lost someone." I look down at my hands as I play with my fingers.

There was a pause. "Kade, go inside." Sean hisses through gritted teeth under his breath.

Frightened yet surprised at how livid he sounded, I just look at him. His face is pink and he's starring at his shoes. His fists are balled up in his lap. I was totally oblivious of what I had just said.

"I didn't mean to..."

"Go inside, Kade." He muttered again.

"I just..." Then that's when it happened. Again.

He hit me. Hard.

I topple off the side of the cement steps and into the grass, crushing a few flower bunches that lined the housing. Half because the fact that the force had pushed me off but also partially just to get away from him in the heat of the moment.

I touch my lip as I sit up in the grass. It was bleeding bad. He hadn't slapped me like mom had, he'd punched me. I didn't cry this time though. Instead, I look up at him as he hurriedly stands and comes over to me.

"Kade, I didn't mean to. I swear. I didn't, really I didn't." He apologizes profusely but I ignore him and stand.

I stand, and I stare. Something happened to my muscles at that exact moment. Something odd and unexplainable. The best explanation I can give of it all though, is that I punched him back. I had brought myself to punch him back, harder than he had hit me.

I regretted it only for a slight second after the impact but I quickly recovered. Due to our size comparison, he didn't fly back - just kind of tripped but caught himself before hitting the ground.

Of course I wasn't planning on hitting him again. Well, I mean that is until he stood and tackled me.

I had no choice but to fight back and as we roll around, punch, kick, slap, and throw each other all over, I regretted coming out here.

We continue this for what seemed like only a couple minutes until I ended up on top. I had my hands around his neck and would momentarily take one off to get a jab at his side.

With every hit to the ribs, he lets out an almost silent oomph! Without an idea as to how, I had looked at his face once as I hit his side for the last time. I had actual drew blood from his mouth, nose, and had reopened the cut he'd gotten from the last fight in the park above his eye.

He had given up his struggle in fighting me a long time ago and was now just lying there, taking the blows.

I stop abruptly and slowly scoot off of him. I keep scooting away as I stare at him, laying there in the grass motionless and all I can think is 'I did this.'

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Where stories live. Discover now