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I opened my eyes and couldn't see anything. It was pitch black and my stomach was begging for food.

I propped myself up with my elbows then forced myself to sit up.

"Sean, get up." I gently nudged him.

He groaned. "What?" He didn't open his eyes.

"I'm hungry, can I eat now? You can stay here if you want."

"What time is it?" He asked, ignoring my question.

"Uh," I looked to the clock on the nightstand, "10:28 p.m."

He rolled to face me. "I don't know if we can go down there this late." He pondered.

"They said we could eat three times a day. It's still today until midnight so..."

"Smarty pants." He laughed. "Fine, I'll come with."

We both rolled out of bed. It was odd walking around another building without shoes on other than my home.

Sean grabbed the key and a shirt and we headed for the door.


The food court was entirely empty but the food was still warm. I could tell Sean was more comfortable eating with no one around.

"Hope you know, we're eating at this time every night."

I laughed. "I figured."

"It's just better." He said.

"What if..." He cut me off.

"Wait. Do you hear that?"

I went silent and listened. I did hear it. It sounded like keys or change or something.

"You think their locking up?" I asked.

"I don't know but I am not getting locked in here. C'mon."

I had no problem going with him this time-I'd already eaten.

Whatever it was, Sean of course had to figure it out. We slowly tip toed out of the food court and back down the hall towards the lobby.

Peeking around the corner, Sean covered his own mouth then turned towards me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Those girls," he whispered, "they're leaving."

"Well, just let them get in trouble I guess. There's nothing we can do about it. Let's just go back to our room, okay?" I suggested.

Of course it didn't work.

"No." He answered. "You go back to the room. I'm following them."

"No please." I grabbed his arm before he could walk around the corner. "Don't leave me alone."

He stopped. "Then you're coming with." He tried pulling me along but I resisted.

"Sean, I don't wanna get in trouble. Please. Those girls look like bad news anyways, this could only lead to trouble."

"Hey, you wanted to do something stupid. This is as stupid as it gets."

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Where stories live. Discover now