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We broke away and turned towards the door. Standing in the doorway was Sean and Neon (Beanie girl), both gaping at the scene.

"Kade? What..." He couldn't even get the words out but he wasn't mad.

"Echo!" Now she was furious. "Get out of there!"

Echo looked at me, almost disappointment filled her eyes.

I just looked back with an apologetic look. I'm not sure what Sean was going to say to me.

Once Echo was in reach of Neon, she yanked her arm and dragged her out of the boy hall.

Sean closed the door then turned to look at me. He had no expression.

As fast as I could blink, his face turned into pure excitement and he attacked me. He picked me up and tossed me onto the bed.

He jumped on the bed, making me fly up in the air with every jump.

Then he started chanting, "Kade kissed a girl, Kade kissed a girl!"

I heard bounding footsteps in the hall then banging on the door.

Sean leaped off the bed and opened it. All of the boys stood there with their bags.

"Kade kissed a girl?" Dylan asked.

"Yup." Sean answered excitedly.

They all started yelling at the same time and rushed in, throwing their luggage aside. I was still on the bed unfortunately so of course they all leapt onto it.

They began jumping as well. I didn't see the big deal in kissing her but maybe it was huge.

One by one, they all grew tired and flopped down on the bed, laughing as they dropped.

"So who was it?" Tanner asked.

"Echo!" Sean answered for me.

I felt like we were more like gossiping girls than boys.

"Oooo!" They all mocked.

"Do you like her?" Conner asked.

"I dont know." I answered. I really didn't still. "I mean, of course I like her but I don't know if I really want to like her."

"Preach, man." Harry said.

I then remembered what she had asked about coming with.

"Sean, can they come?"

"Who?" He got a bit more serious.

"The girls." I answered. "That's why she was in the room in the first place. She was asking if she could tag along."

He almost laughed at the thought. "No way!"

"Sean," I said seriously, "please?"

I had a sudden change of heart and actually really wanted them to come after seeing his reaction to the request.

He sighed and looked around at the others. They all shrugged.

"I guess," He said finally, "but if they cause one problem or have an attitude with any of us, they're gone. You better tell them that too."

"I will, I will. Thank you, Sean." I hugged him. "I love you."

"Don't be all like that in front of our friends." He laughed.


We all fell asleep sooner or later. Most of us were on the floor. I couldn't remember whether or not the rule here was that you couldn't spend the night in the opposite sex dorm or anyone else's dorm in general. I didn't quite care either, we were leaving anyways.

It was about 9:45 at night when I awoke. We were scheduled to leave at 10:00. I wanted to go back to bed so bad but I knew it wouldn't make much of a difference.

I lay there. I was the only one who ended up falling asleep in the bed.

Just then, to my horror, I realized that I had forgotten to tell the twins that they could come.

I jumped out of bed, careful not to step on anyone. Without informing anyone, I took the key carefully from Sean's pocket as he slept then I left.

I hoped that they hadn't snuck out again as I made my way out of the boy's hall and into the lobby.

It had slipped my mind that the worker at the front desk didn't check out until 10:00 but, to my luck, they were fast asleep in the computer chair behind the desk.

Tip-toeing passed them, I made my way into the girl's hall.

Crap! I thought to myself, I didn't know what room number they had.

The halls were always lit up so I could see the numbers clearly so that was a perk.

I figured it was too late to turn back now so I slowly walked through the forest of doors, in hopes I'd get a great hunch.

Thank you, Jesus. I pleaded in my head.

On one of the doors, maybe six steps in the hall, was a black heart drawn on with what I guessed was eyeliner.

This was definitely it.

I gathered myself before knocking.

It took nearly ten knocks until someone answered.

Echo's face appeared and her face lit up. I smiled and she instantly wiped her joy away.

"What do you want?" She whispered.

"Do you still wanna come?" I explained indirectly.

She looked around uneasy as if debating.

"When do we leave?"

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Where stories live. Discover now