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Making it back to my room, it was bound to be awkward when I opened this door.

Using the scan key, I unlocked it and slowly swung it open to unveil a bunch of cranky guys. They were all preparing themselves for the trip but quickly halted when they saw us enter.

They stared for a moment and I stared back, awaiting approval. I gained it when they all went back to gathering their things.

I breathed out in relief and walked in fully, the girls following close behind.

"Where's your stuff?" Sean asked them.

I hadn't realized it before but they didn't need to pack anything. It had hit me just then that they also wore the same outfit everyday.

"Ain't got nothing to bring." Neon answered.

I felt pity for them. People really did have it worse than us I was just too blind to see it.

Sean didn't reply, he just continued stuffing the food in a huge dark green bag. I figured it was Dylan's bag because he usually wore green with everything.

I noticed we had tons of food. I would have never believed he had gotten away with taking all of it in one trip to the food court.

"'Kay so, I guess this is it." Dylan broke the silence.

"Yep. Caden get your bag." Sean instructed.

I did what he had said and grabbed by old backpack from the floor by the bed.

"Let's go then." He said.

We all paraded out the door and made our way down the hall and to the lobby. The front desk employee had already checked out for the night.

Silently, Echo jumped over the counter, grabbed keys from underneath it, tossed it to Neon who was waiting by the door, and catching them, Neon unlocked it.

Neon then tossed the keys back to her sister who placed them back where she'd gotten them.

Surprisingly, Neon held the door open for the rest of us. I could tell we were all amazed at their ability to steal without thinking but we were all too tired to say anything. Plus, we weren't sure it was the right think to praise them over.

Dylan took the lead for this step of the trip. He took his place in front of the group and led us to the alley with the dog.

The streets were still illuminated and filled with people. I'd gotten used to this though.

We turned down the alley where the rest of the guys went through their procedure of getting the dog out of the hole behind the dumpster.

Once free, Dylan carefully grabbed the pup. The dog didn't squirm or anything, I could tell he was quite comfortable with the group.

Sean grabbed a pack of fruit snack from the green bag he was carrying. Dylan opened it once Sean tossed it to him.

Dylan already knew it was meant to be fed to the dog, so he did just that. The mutt seemed almost starved the way he scarfed each one down.

We knew it wouldn't look odd at all for a group of boys to be carrying around a dog so we didn't bother to hide him comfortably in a bag. It wasn't a very "interesting" sight at that.

"Alright, so you do know the way right?" Tanner questioned Sean.

"Yeah, yeah. No worries." He answered non-sealant.

I was doubting his answer but didn't want to call him out in front of the rest so I kept my mouth shut. Sean picked up the lead from there.

He kept a reasonable distance in front of the group just for a little extra confident look. This was good for me. I jogged to catch up with him.

"Do you honestly know where you're going?" I ask in doubt.

"Yeah. Sorry you were sleeping the whole time, you don't even know what happened on the ride up." He sasses.

I instantly got curious, as anyone would.

"What happened?" I ask.

He chuckles a bit.

"I forgot to tell you 'cause it wasn't a big deal but the chick that was driving us here gave us journals so we could ''write down our experiences'' so the whole ride, I wrote down every turn, sign, road, and avenue we took." He explains.

"Woah." I whisper. "I got a lot to write about."

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Where stories live. Discover now