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I lay there wide awake yet tired. I've refused to go to sleep until I hear Sean's sobs end. I wanted to go to sleep, knowing he was alright.

After twenty more minutes, the cries just got stronger. I sighed to myself as I roll out of bed.

I open my door and make my way for his room before knocking.

"Sean," I say, "are you alright?"

"No." He sniffles.

"You wanna talk about it or..."

"No. Please, just leave." He says, barely getting the words out.

I ignore his demand and let myself in. He's sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands.

Sitting next to him, I say, "Brad isn't mad anymore. 'Member he said..."

"I know." He interrupted. "It's not that. It's just I feel like we're being selfish ya know. I mean everything we've been through here and we just pack up, drop it all and leave. It feels like we're quitting. Like we gave up."

I look at him. "I understand but sometimes you need to put yourself first. This is better for you, for Aunt Claire, for me. You know what's selfish is staying here, just expecting Aunt Claire to pay for our bills, mortgage, food, and everything else. This is for us. It's always gonna be us, okay?"

He smiles slightly. "Okay."

"Now can you shut up and let me sleep?" We both laugh. I begin to make my way to the door but he grabs my arm.

"Can you sleep in here with me? Please." He asks.

"Fine but I get the wall side."

"Deal." He smiles as I climb in his bed.

We do this quite frequently. Sleeping in each others rooms I mean, keeping the other company.

I surprise myself when I feel a hot tear run down my cheek. I've been thinking about Hunter often after Sean had decided to leave. He'd been my best friend for so long.

It would be a new experience without him but I was willing to go through it for Sean. Hunter would understand.

I lay there for awhile until I was sure Sean had fallen asleep before cuddling closer to him.

"I love you, Sean." I whisper, trying not to wake him.

"Shut up, loser." He whispers back.

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang