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"Sean, what's the date?" I ask after a long while of walking.

"Uh...should be about June-ish." He answered.

"I think it's my birthday tomorrow."

"Thirteen of 'em? You're getting pretty old." He jokes. Ya know, it's a bit sad when your not sure when your birthday is.

I was going to be a teen finally. It seems like I'm still 8.

The rest of the group were growing weary but Sean was confident in his strides. I notice and take action since it was clear Sean wasn't going to.

"We should call a taxi instead, it'll be faster and the groups tired." I suggested.

He didn't seem to like the idea. "We wouldn't all fit."

"So we'll take more than one."

He sighed very deeply before stopping entirely and turning to the bunch. They stopped also.

"I'm new to all this so can someone like call a taxi or something?" He asked the group.

Of course the sisters volunteered.

"I got it." They both said before chasing down the first taxi cab they could find.

I hadn't expected them to run out in the middle of the streets of Chicago but then again, I didn't know much about them.

They didn't intervene with any of the traffic but it was a dumb act. Nearly jumping in front of the vehicle, they waved their arms wildly and pointed towards the sidewalk where we stood.

I wasn't sure what the guy had said back but the girls jumped into the back seat and the cab pulled over, parking in front of us.

I looked over at Sean in disbelief of what was going on in their minds but he only shrugged. I guessed we were dropping the whole multiple taxi idea because we all crammed in the back seat.

Sean sat up front.

Tanner absolutely refused to sit by Echo.

"Scared by a girl, huh?" She asked mockingly.

"Duh." He said back.

He pushed me in to take his place. The others pushed their way in and I was slowly crammed further and further into Echo.

"Sorry." I say with every push I can feel my elbow jam deeper into her side. She doesn't yell, just cringes and tried scooting further away.

"Where to?" The drivers asks no one in particular.

Sean answers with, "As far as you can go towards Sterling."

The cab driver pauses. "Well how much you got?"

"Excuse me?" Sean asks back, confused.

"Money." The driver answers. "How much money you got?"

"How much do you want?" God, Sean always wanted the last word.

"I'll tell ya what, you kids look a bit down today. Twenty bucks and I'll take you as far as China." The man offered.

"I'd take that offer any day." Sean said. "But twenty dollars? Man, that's a lot of-"

"Hold it." Neon interrupted they're bargaining. "On me."

She shoved a small stack of five dollar bills under the man's nose. He snatched it without hesitation.

"Sterling here we come." He announced, obviously proud of his earnings.

We all stared at her in disbelief. Well, all except for Echo. She obviously knew about how much money they had.

Once Neon noticed the attention being given to her, she put her hands up in defense.

"Hey, did you wanna get there or not."

I shrugged and began looking passed Echo and out the window. Everyone gasps when the driver began to pull away from the curb. He was going so fast. Faster than I'd ever expect to be legal. He didn't mind a bit though so I didn't sweat it that much.

The order of the passengers from the left window were Hunter, Tanner, Conner, Harry, Justin, Neon, me, and Echo. I liked this arrangement, I could see out the window plus I was as close as I'd ever been to Echo.

As I glared out the window, I realized, for some unknown reason, that Justin doesn't talk very much at all. I forgot the last thing he's ever said.

I turn my head to look over at him. He's crammed in between Harry and Neon who were whipping each other with their hats back and forth. I watched as Justin flinched every time the hats swung by him, but they never once touched him.

Just sitting here examining him, I could tell his whole past and I wanted so badly to tell him how sorry I was for him.

I knew what it was like though.

I lay back, my head resting on the back of the seat. It felt nice to half relax after walking all that way.

My eyes began drooping and my muscles loosened. As I drift off to sleep, I feel a head rest on my shoulder but I'm too deep into the process of falling asleep to open my eyes. Besides, I knew who it was anyways.

I drift off to sleep fully to the sound of beeping cars and chants.

"Kade's gotta girlfriend! Kade's gotta girlfriend! Kade's got..."

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Where stories live. Discover now