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Walking in, everyone's heads instantly turn towards us.

The way they all sat in their cliques made it obvious that they'd all been there for some time.

Sean feels me get uneasy. "Just keep walking." He whispers.

We make our way over to the long salad bar. It was a very wide, white room.

The wall on the far side of the lunch room was all glass. The salad bar was off to the left along the wall. Rectangular tables filled in the open space in the middle of it all.

Sean led us over to the food area. Once the other people in there realized we were only there for food, they went back to their conversations. There weren't many people in there. Only three of the tables were even nearly full, a couple straggling pairs here and there.

We made our way through the rows of options, selecting what we wanted and putting a portion of it on the plastic trays they'd provided.

I've never had most of these food items but Sean just told me to take some of everything anyways.

Once our trays were full, we went to find a seat. Sean wouldn't even think about attempting to sit with any of the others so we found an unoccupied table.

"Do you think we'd get in trouble if we went up for seconds?" I asked, looking down at my food.

Once I realized he wasn't answering, I looked at his face. He was staring at something at the next table. I followed his gaze and seen two girls, also sitting by themselves.

They looked very similar, most likely twins. Despite their similar features, I had my eyes on the one in the black SnapBack, black crop top, black, ripped skinny jeans, bright blue flannel that looked as though she'd tied it around her waist, and blue high tops to match it.

Sean had been eyeing the one with shorter hair. She wore a gray beanie atop her head, a black slightly oversized sweatshirt, also ripped navy skinny jeans, with black combat boots.

Both girls had straight flawless hair and their figure was perfect.

The one I'd noticed had dark gloves on with the finger tips cut out. They were leaning back in their chairs with their feet on the table as though they hadn't had a care in the world since as long as they'd been there.

I couldn't quite see what they'd been eating but they didn't have trays.

Soon, a male adult approached them. I guessed he'd worked there due to his age. He looked livid and they looked at him as though they were well aware of what he was fixing to say.

To my surprise, the man slammed his heavy hand down onto the table making a loud noise. It made me jump as it echoed throughout the eating facility and causing everyone's attention to direct towards the scene.

The two jumped a bit and laughed afterwards. What I hadn't expected them to do was simultaneously fist bump each other.

I supposed they'd broken a rule but they looked to be proud of it.

His face got red with anger as he yelled at them something that could clearly be heard from where we were sitting.

"Unlike you brats, I know who my parents are! Your behavior is why they don't love you!"

The room filled with waves of gasps. Clearly they knew something about the girls that we hadn't.

I really wished I'd been ready for what had happened next.

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Where stories live. Discover now