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I shoot up, hitting my head on something.

"Ow! Jesus!" I hear someone yell.

I open my eyes and everything's bright. The sun had come up and I could see everything now.

Suddenly remembering all of last nights events, I instantly panic.

"Echo! Sean! Where are you?" I yell into the air.

"Uh...right here." I look over and Echo's rubbing just above her eyes. "Thanks for the head butt by the way."

"Echo!" I embrace her and she pushes me.

"No, no, no. This," she motions to me and then her, "is not happening. I just needed a pillow." Her face gets red and I smirk.

Looking around, I see an empty car. But we're in the backseat of it.

"Where are we, Echo?" I asked, concern in my voice.

She glares at me.

"What's your problem? We're just at the gas station, everyone else went to get food and take a bathroom break. They told me to stay with you."

I look around at the windows to get a look outside. We're parked by a gas pump, we really were at a gas station.

"Wait...but what about the dragging and the dark and the pulling and the lights and then the ankle and then I fell and then I hit my head and you were-"

"Shut up!" She was laughing when she said this. "Did you find some shots last night or..." She let her voice trail off as she nearly passed out laughing.

"That's not funny." I push her arm playfully but she keeps laughing.

I was just relieved it wasn't real. It had felt real though. I wonder when I had fallen asleep. Maybe after A$ap fell asleep?


"Yeah." She said, gathering herself and wiping her tears of laughter.

I laugh a little. "Can I ask you something?"

She doesn't answer just looks at me. Knowing her, that's her way of saying yes.

"Don't laugh or be a brat, okay?"

She gave me a defensive look. "Whatever."

"Last night, I had a dream, a scary one about you. We were driving and everyone was asleep. The car stopped and someone was trying to pull you out."

She narrowed her eyes as she kept listening.

"I had went out into the dark to try and find you but I couldn't. Then someone grabbed my leg and I fell. I hit my head and the dream just ended."


"Well, I know that I would do that for you, dream or not. I just wanted to know if you would want me to though." I tried to indirectly ask her my question.

"I don't understand. Would I want you to save me? Hell yeah, I ain't dying."

I laughed before answering. "Well, I mean, I just...I've been thinking about stuff. And this thing has kinda been bothering me for a while." I rub the back of my neck. "You kinda give me mixed signals and I just don't get you. I try so hard to figure you out ya know and I just can't. What I'm trying to ask is...well, do you like me?"

I feel my face get extremely hot.

She pauses for what seems to be like hours before she says, "I have to go to the bathroom."

She then turns and opens the backseat door. I don't know why but this time I just felt like I had to know the answer no matter what. Besides, she always escapes the question anyways.

"Wait." I say, jumping out behind her. I grab her wrist and she turns around before yanking her arm away. She doesn't leave though.

"Just answer. I know you don't have to go to the bathroom."

"So I see you've figured some of me out." She crossed her arms. She was referring to how I know when she's lying.

I shrug with a flirty smile. She gives me a dirty look before turning away and heading through the parking lot.

"Echo!" I yell this time, annoyed.

She was obviously surprised at my outburst and spun around fast.

"Get over here!"

"Excuse me?" She says with the most attitude I'd ever heard from her.

Like an idiot, I decided to test her just a little.

"I said, Now."

She looks at me as though I'm insane. She stomps over to me and I just know I have a slap coming.

I shut my eyes, ready for any impact she would give me. I wasn't going to test her anymore by running away or anything.

Before a hit could even attempt to come, I felt something much different touch my lips and it was far from painful.

She had kissed me, again! I swear I thought that had only been a one time thing.

"Don't think thats ever, ever happening again. Just know, next time I'll take a different approach in shutting you up. Got it?" She said firmly in my face. It wasn't really in my face since she was almost two inches shorter than me.

I nodded anyway, still dazed. I had kissed her before but this one felt different. She had meant it, or I hoped anyways.

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Where stories live. Discover now