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The boy with the brown shaggy hair grabbed SnapBack girl around the shoulders and shook her, forcing her to focus on his words.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Beanie girl fumed in anger.

She gripped onto SnapBack girl's attacker, ripping his sweatshirt.

As fast as I thought a scene could escalate, the other male pulled beanie girl off of his friend. He pulled her close, spun her around, and slapped her across the face, making a piercing noise escape her.

Sean had seen enough and he leaped from his hiding spot, engaging in the small fight. I guess this was my permission to butt in too.

We were now both in the middle of it all, taking on the two males as we were back to back. I was much smaller than the boy I was facing but I took my chances.

I attacked from down low, how Sean used to teach me. SnapBack girls attacker was thrown backward and he hit the ground with a thump. He rolled around, gasping for breath.

SnapBack girl took it upon herself to go from there and she kicked him hard in know.

I spun around, eager to see how Sean was doing. To my surprise he had been under his opponent. Sean can't stand to lose.

Sean lifted up his knees, bridging his abdomen. He then pushed with only his body strength. This boy flew over his head and Sean turned swiftly and now tackled him.

The girl Sean had sprang out to protect had raced over to SnapBack girl, questioning her for injuries.

I watched as Sean keeps up with the fight. He was on top now. He pulled back his arm, fist clenched and drove it into the jawline of the boy, instantly knocking him out.

Sean rolled off, aware of his victory. He lay there in the grass breathing heavily. I kneel down beside him.

"You're stupid." I say laughing.

"I know. Help me up." He held out his hand and I took it, pulling him up.

He walked over to the other boy who was still in pain and grabbed him by the collar. He lifted him up and held him against a tree.

"If I ever catch you putting your hands on another girl again, I will personal see to it that you will never see the light of day again. Understand, retard?" Sean threatened.

The boy nodded vigorously as sweat dripped down his forehead.

Sean dropped him and he exited the park as quickly as he could, leaving his friend behind.

"Well that just happened." I said bluntly, breaking the silence.

Sean snorted. "Idiot." He laughed under his breathe.

I had been completely prepared to get kissed and hugged but they were as far from thankful as could be.

"You guys are so stupid." Beanie girl said.

"We didn't need your help." SnapBack girl added.

"Well, looked to me you did. If we hadn't helped what do you think would have happened?" I asked.

"Who cares? Either way, it's none of your business."

"Whatever. We don't need to argue with you. He didn't even wanna come here. I drug him out here so it's my fault." Sean covered.

"Don't care." SnapBack girl spat. Both girls began walking toward the exit.

"So no thanks then?" I asked, calling after them.

"Thanks." SnapBack girl said just before leaving the gate and heading back to the orphanage.

"Wow..." We said at the same time, staring after them.

"She wants me."

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum