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I woke up a while later and the sun wasn't even up at all. We were still driving but most of the group was asleep. Well, all of the group was asleep except Sean who was engaged in a conversation about who knows what with the driver.

I rubbed my eyes with my right hand. My left arm was being clung onto by Echo now. Her head was in my chest and she was still very deep in her sleep.

I looked around at the others and was highly surprised to see Neon nestled into Justin's chest. I look to Sean to see any expression that would indicate that he'd noticed and was jealous but he was laughing and blabbering about something. Guess I wouldn't bring it up.

"Are we close?" I asked when I finally found a small gap of quiet in between Sean's constant talking.

"Yeah, kid. About forty-five minutes left." The driver answered.

The time on the cars radio read 2:00 A.M. It was only a two hour drive from Chicago to where we lived and we had left at 10:00 P.M. We'd walked for about an hour and a half at the most before we picked up the taxi. Guess the times somewhat added up.

I sighed. I was very tired but I'm the type that once I wake up, I can't go back to sleep so my best option would be to just sit here and eavesdrop on what conversation was so important coming from the front seats.

Turns out, it wasn't important at all so I zoned out almost instantly until I heard a noise. It was like a rustling coming from Hunter but he wasn't moving. His bag that was sitting on his lap was kind of bobbing up and down before a little puppy head popped out and peered at me.

I smiled, I'd forgotten about him even though he was the whole reason for this trip. He stepped out slowly, shaking the bag off his head. Seeing that I was the only moving object, the dog was only interested in me so he climbed over all the rest of the group to get to me.

I'd never actually been very close to a dog before but I wasn't scared like some people would be.

He was on Neon's lap, licking my right hand. I gently touched his head and his ears moved back. I laughed and scratched behind his ears. He bowed his head to let me scratch more.

He was very soft and his eye didn't really make him seem any different to me.

I petted him until he grew tired. He then laid himself down on Neon's thigh and allowed me to pet him more. He soon fell asleep and I decided I'd stop.

Bored once again, I lean back. I hated road trips. I felt like falling asleep but I was wide awake.

The car jolted suddenly and Sean was thrown into the back of his chair. The driver stopped entirely.

Everyone was still unaware of the world and were kept safe in their dreams. Echo on the other hand slightly moved her head before opening her eyes and sitting up.

"What happened?" She asked.

I look up front trying to find an answer to her question but it was terribly dark now. We'd just left the small town we were passing through and now were in a rural, unlit area.

"Kade?" I hear her get uneasy.

"I don't know, Echo. Sean?" I say concerned.

"Shh." I hear his voice slow and steady.

Echo scoots just a little closer and I embrace her.

"It'll be fine." I whisper.

"What if it's not?"

"Just be quiet, okay?"

I feel her nod and then the world seemed to stop.

"Kade." Was all I heard before the back door on her side was practically ripped open and something was vigorously dragging her out.

Her screams of terror gave me chills and the others jumped up. It was still pitch black but I didn't let go of her arms.

"Sean, help!" I yelled over her screams but he didn't respond.

Neon began screaming, terrified yet not knowing what was happening.

Echo was ripped from my arms just as I hear the other back door fly open. Male screams escaped into the air along with Neon's and the dog's barking. Everything was just plain chaotic.

I wasn't sure where Echo was taken but I could still hear her screams.

"Everyone, stay in the car!" I hear Sean scream.

I wanted to listen, but I wasn't going to lose Echo.

I jump from the car and into pure darkness. Echo's screams are close but I can barely hear her over everyone else's blood curdling screams and the yelps of the dog.

Blindly, I follow her pleads to God knows where. The head lights of the taxi blare on and the alarm sounds, illuminating everything around us. I can see now, and realize I had walked to the very front of the car, the headlights shining in my eyes.

I cover my face with my arm and gain focus. Banging was heard from the windshield and I peer in. Sean was banging on the glass and absolutely screaming something at me and pointing down.

Puzzled, I look down just slightly. Just as I did, all the open doors of the car shut so fast that I couldn't even see what had shut them and the headlights shut off.

Everything goes absolutely silent for only a split second before something from under the taxi grabs my ankle and pulls. I only remember falling backwards, then black.

The Story We Used To Know (Sequel  to The Story We Live)Where stories live. Discover now