Chapter 8

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                                                                             Amelia Preston

Its been a week since I've saw Jay. After seeing him kissed up on another woman it broke my heart. I know he isn't mines but I do have a little crush on him and I really wanted to see where things would go. But now I see where me and him stand.

When I saw him kissing on that woman I cried my eyes out and I still am crying my eyes out until this day. I even had to reschedule my 'date' with Affonso because of everything.

Whenever I came home from my royal duties I locked myself in my bedroom and cried my eyes out.

Babá desperately tried to find out what was wrong with me but I pushed her away every time. My parents tried bombarding me with questions about my sudden change in behavior but I told them that I was having female problems if you know what I mean.

I just feel so foolish for crying over a man that I literally saw twice well three times if you include him with that woman. I just should move on to Affonso and live happily ever after with a guy that I can't see myself falling for.

Jay has my attention but too bad I don't have his. It depressed me and made me feel hopeless.

Was I unattractive or something for him not to feel the same way back about me? I sighed as I wiped more tears falling from my eyes. Maybe I'm rushing things or maybe he just thinks I'm not good enough for him.

I should just try to forget about him and move on. I just don't know what to do.

I heard a knock come from my bedroom door as I quickly tried to get myself together to make it look like I was fine, I didn't want anyone to see me crying.

"Come in." I said as I cleared my throat.

Babá came inside my bedroom with a tray of food in her hands. She gave me a warm smile which I returned.

"Princesa you have to eat and your parents are worried about you." She placed the tray of steaming food on my lap and took a seat at the end of my bed.

On the tray was a whole seafood medley of vegetables, lobster, shrimp, crab, and salmon. Seafood was one of my favorite dishes.

I instantly started to dig into my food letting Jay slip behind my thoughts.

Babá laughed at me as she saw me eat like it was my last meal. I was super hungry and I haven't been eating as much because whenever I'm stressed I barely eat.

"What?" I laughed as I placed my fork down on the tray.

"You're eating like you haven't ate in years. It's rare whenever I see you eat like this." I swear Babá knows me like the back of her hand. I've been knowing her ever since I was a baby. She helped raised me and my brother after mother past away.

I shrugged my shoulders and started to finish my dinner. Babá raised a brow in suspicion but she didn't say nothing to me until I was finish my dinner.

I was so full. Every time I get full off of food I get drowsy. I should of never ate all of that. I laid back on my pillow and placed the tray next to me.

"What's been up with you lately Amelia?" I could really tell that she knew something was going on and she wanted to get to the bottom of it. I couldn't tell her about Jay. I didn't want her to disappointed at me for crushing on a man I barely know and that he's not a royal.

"Nothing much. I've just been.. you know." I carelessly shrugged as I played with my fingers.

"If you do know is that I've known you for the nineteen years of your life and I know when you're telling a lie. You haven't been acting like this until I help you snuck out of the palace." Her Portuguese accent was thick.

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