Chapter 21

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                                                        Jason McCann

I took a sip of my beer while some of the members of my gang joked around while watching the american football game. I wasn't in the mood for their shit so I sat there quietly stuck in my thoughts.

Last night what Amelia said to me kind of got to me. Usually whenever a girl says that to me I shrug it off and keep it moving but Amelia made me feel some type of way. I shouldn't really give a fuck but it's whatever I'm just going to worry about me. 

"Jason you're way too quiet over there." Sean said to me while playfully putting Henry in a headlock. "Seriously man. Jason would be scolding us and telling us to sit the fuck down." Dylan added. 

I just rolled my eyes at them. They are so fucking childish even though they are adults. "I think it's none of you guys business if I'm quiet or not." 

"Yes it is because we are all like brothers and plus you know we are nosy as hell." Sean remarked. 

"Oh go eat a dick." I gave him the finger and took another gulp of my beer. 

"I'm not gay you motherfucker." Sean laughed. 

"I have never been around grown ass men who are this fucking childish and stupid."Ryan shook his head and turned his attention back to the television. To be honest I needed some fucking advice on what happened last night. I don't know what to do honestly. I feel like a big ass pussy. 

"Tell me about it but I need some advice seriously." I couldn't believe that I was actually going to tell them this but I needed to hear their opinions about this. I'm not going to tell them her name or anything because my whole gang knows that me and The King don't get along due to past work. 

"Jason McCann needs advice? The sky must be fucking purple or some shit." Dylan sneered while rolling a blunt. 

"Man shut the fuck up. I'm fucking serious right now." The whole gang just looked at me waiting for me to speak. "So there's this girl I've been seeing a few times a night every week like I sneak into her bedroom or she sneaks outside to see me." 

"Oh shit! Have you fucked her yet?" Henry questioned very loudly causing me to lose my patience. 

"None of your fucking business now let me continue. So we've known each other for a few weeks and she's becoming very attached to me. I try to be a 'nice' person and go see her a few times a week because I don't want her to get in danger by her coming out to see me. But yesterday night the both of us got into a very heated argument at this party she threw and she told me that she likes me. That's what mainly caused the argument because I don't believe in love or relationships. And I said some very hurtful things to her which I kind of don't feel bad about. So what should I do?" I asked while looking between the gang. 

"Do she look good?" Sean always had to be the one to ask dumb ass questions like that. 

"To be honest hell yeah. She looks like a fucking model out of a magazine." Amelia is very, very, very attractive. I didn't have the guts to say that to her face but she is very gorgeous. 

"She got you sprung bro." Henry declared. 

"No the fuck she doesn't. I don't even like her." I don't know where my feelings stood for Amelia. It's been so long since I actually caught feelings or even loved another woman other then my mother. 

"Yes you do. You obviously care about her because you would sneak over to her house to see her rather then you have her come out to see you." Ryan concluded. 

"That doesn't mean anything." 

"Yes it does bro because you go to her house rather then her coming to see you." Dylan blew out multiple rings of smoke.

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