Chapter 17

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Third Person

Amelia felt so bad for saying all those terrible hurtful things to Jay last night. The whole scene kept replaying in her mind as she sat on her bed and cried her eyes out still.

It was close to noon and the maids to were trying to get Amelia out of her room to handle her royal duties but today she was very depressed. She wished she could of just took back what she said to him but then again Amelia was fed up with him coming to her room after being with other women.

It was very disrespectful and if the tables were turned she would never do such a thing to him.

All she wanted him to do was like her back. She tried taking her stylist's advice but now it got her and Jay on bad terms now.

Amelia wiped away her tears as she hugged her knees close to her chest. "All I want him to do is like me. Why he doesn't like me? Am I that ugly?" She said out loud to herself as she sobbed.

"Princesa Amelia... Open this door this instant, your parents are demanding to see you." Babá said in a desperately tone as she knocked on her bedroom door. Amelia sighed and wiped the remaining tears from her eyes and went to retrieve the door.
"What does my parents want?" Amelia questioned as she stood in the door way.

Babá noticed immediately that something was wrong with the Princesa. "Are you alright? Why are your eyes red?" Amelia gave her a weak smiled. "Have you've been crying?" Babá questioned urgently.

Amelia looked down at her toes and bit her bottom lip. "Child what's wrong?" Babá crossed her arms and pushed her gently into her bedroom. "There's nothing wrong." Amelia straight lied through gritted teeth.

"Is it that Jay guy again?" Babá pressed. Amelia sighed and plopped down on her messy bed. Babá took a seat right next to her and rubbed her back in a soothingly manner. "I just want to be alone right now." Amelia mumbled.

"Child tell me what happened, I'm sure I've been through things way worse then your little problems." She reassured Amelia. Amelia huffed and puffed like a young child. "Me and Jay got into a very heated argument last night." She started fidgeting with her fingers.

"About what Princesa?" Babá started rubbing her back in circles. "Well.... He started questioning me about where I was at last night and I told him. When I told him it escalated. Then he started talking about my outfit, I wore a simple crop top with a skirt that stopped in the middle of my thigh. I also said very hurtful things to him, I told him I hope he catches HIV."

Babà gave her a stern look. "That wasn't very nice Amelia and Jay is just trying to show you that he cares. Guys have a weird way of showing their love for girls they like." Amelia pouted and folded her arms. "Only reason I said that is because he constantly keeps coming to my bedroom smelling like other women's perfume and love bites all over him. I find it very disrespectful and I'm sick of him doing that. And I guess he cares about me. He told me that he's never coming to see me ever again." Amelia started to tear up. She never wanted things to get this bad between them.

Babá engulfed her into a warm hug as she stroked her long black hair. "He'll be back I promise you. It was a simple misunderstanding and I'm sure you guys will come to common ground. But he shouldn't be coming to your room like that. You have a point for getting mad at him but the both of you were wrong."

"So what should I do to fix things?" Amelia questioned as she sighed. "The both of you need to sit down and talk everything out. I feel like he's starting to like you." Babá concluded.

Amelia's eye's grew wide. There's no way that he'll ever catch feelings for me she thought. "Babá he even told me numerous times that he doesn't like me and never will." He told her that so many times and whenever she looks at him whenever he's around her, he doesn't seem happy at all. "Amelia you never know if he could like you or not, like I've said before guys have a weird way of showing affection to women at times. You never know."

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