Chapter 18

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                Amelia Preston

When I rolled over to the other side of my bed, I didn't feel Jay beside me. I sat up and made sure I wasn't hallucinating but he was gone.

I picked my phone up off of the charger and read the time. It was a little past seven in the morning.

I groaned knowing that my stylists were going to be here in an hour and I just wanted to sleep in today. Who knows how my day will plan out.

I got up off of my bed and did my daily stretches before heading into my private bathroom to shower.


"Princesa today we have a lot planned for all of us to do!" Benny exclaimed as he adjusted my leather jacket. "What are we doing?" I questioned while mentally rolling my eyes.

"Omg we are all going shopping!" Neveah shouted happily while applying a deep red lip stick to my lips. "For what? You guys usually do my shopping for me." I dreaded going shopping with the three of my stylists. I have love for the each of them but whenever we all go shopping together always turns into a disaster. For example last time we all went shopping I saw this very nice dress that I wanted and the three of them wouldn't let me get it. They all made me try on all these outfits and wouldn't let me decide on something I wanted.

It was hell..

"This weekend the yearly ball your parents host and we have to find you the perfect dress so you're coming with us." Flavius commented while curling my pony tail. "Do I really? I probably have other important things to do today other then shop with the three of you." I didn't like being so rude to people but I just wasn't in the mood to go with them especially when it involves shopping.

"Your parents recommended that you do and they canceled all your royal duties so you can tag along with us." Neveah replied. I'd rather deal with my royal duties then shopping. "It's going to be so fun Princesa."

I swear nobody understands my pain.

                   Jason McCann

"Man where the hell were you last night?" Ryan questioned as he blew out multiple smoke rings. I scoffed as I threw my Xbox controller on the coffee table in frustration. "I was out." I simply stated.

"Well all of us were worried bro. I was just wondering." Ryan replied while shrugging his shoulders. I nodded not knowing what else to say. I just wasn't in the mood and the pain from my wound was also bothering me.

I should of thanked Amelia for helping me last night because I know for a fact if that was one of my hoes in that situation she was put in they probably wouldn't of done that for me.

What the fuck am I saying? I shouldn't thank her for nothing. I am fucking Jason McCann and I do what I want when I want. She's lucky I even came to see her last night but I didn't even have a choice.

"Man what's up for tonight?" Sean asked as he came into the living room where the both of us were seated. "I'm trying to get with some new bitches." Sean remarked while sitting down near Ryan.

"I'm kind of tired tonight, that mission tired me out." I groaned while running my fingers through my hair. Ryan shook his head. "All you guys talk about is fucking bitches and getting money, when will the both of you settle down for once with the same girl?"

Me and Sean gave each other a facial expression before busting out laughing. Ryan crossed his arms and gave the both of us a mean glare. "That's not funny. But seriously it gets so annoying how every week or more like every day the both of you fuck new women and toss them away like nothing. I think it's time for the both of you to settle down."

Jason and Sean stopped laughing. "Ryan you know how I feel about relationships." Jay enjoyed his lifestyle he didn't want to be tied down with just one girl. He loved to explore his options. "Yeah man fuck relationships." Sean fist palmed Jason.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Jason just because you got your heart broken once doesn't mean that you don't have to treat women the way you do." Jay clenched his jaw not trying to think about his past memories with the first woman he's ever fell in love with. "Man mind your fucking business. It's my business what I choose to do in my personal life. You're not my father." Jason spat with rage.

Sean looked between the both of them feeling the tension. Even though it wasn't his business about their whole feud but he didn't want them to argue. "Ryan if Jason doesn't want to settle down then that's his problem. And Jason you shouldn't talk to Ryan like that because he cares about you. We're all like brothers and we have to stick together." Sean tried mediate the whole little disagreement.

"Jason I'm not sayi-" Ryan tried to talk to Jay but he immediately cut him off. "Just fucking save it. I'm not in the mood for bullshit. I don't feel good." Jason got up and stormed out of the living room.

                Amelia Preston

"I love this dress on you Amelia!" Benny said as he twirled me around several times. I felt like I was going to puke any moment from him twirling me around like I'm some type of rag doll. I honestly hated the dresses they had me try on, usually their attire for me isn't bad but I wasn't feeling none of the dresses so far.

I currently was trying on a deep violet dress which was skin tight that I could barely breathe in. "Benny relax with the spinning." I said while trying to regain my balance. I was dizzy from all the spinning.

"Look at this dress everyone." Neveah rapidly approached us holding a royal blue mermaid dress which flared out at the bottom and had sequins engraved all over the dress. It was a gorgeous dress but it didn't look exactly like my taste. "O-M-G Amelia you have to try this on." Benny shouted earning looks from a few people in the store.

I gave a weak smile and grabbed the dress from his hand. As I was going to the dressing room to try the dress on I saw another dress that caught my attention. I ran over to the rack where the dress hanging and picked it up to examine it.

It was black and silver gown with silver at the top and it had one sleeve. It was gorgeous. It was very simple but elegant and it was exactly my taste.

"Amelia what i-" Flavius cut himself off as he looked at the dress I held in my hands. "Where did you find this dress Princesa?" He gasped as he took it out of my hands to examine it.

"From the rack." I said as I blew my bangs out of my eyes. "This dress is stunning Princesa. You will blow everyone away at the ball." I smiled at him as my other two stylists approached us.

"I think we found a even better dress." Flavius held the dress up for Neveah and Benny to have a look. They gasped at the beauty of the dress. "This is the dress Amelia! You are getting this one." Neveah jumped up and down.

I giggled at them. At least I have a dress that I actually like.

Only thing is missing now is Jay..


I have a lot of pre written chapters for this book but I want to keep the storyline interesting.

Comments, thoughts, or concerns 😊

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