Chapter 9

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               Third Person

Amelia and Affonso were strolling around the palace's beautiful garden.

Her parents well her father woke her up bright and early so she could get prepared to see Marquess Affonso Rivera.

Affonso was very excited to see his lovely lady but too bad Amelia didn't feel the same. She was doing this just for her father to be happy.

But in reality she wanted to be Jay's and she yearned for him to be hers.

But first she really had to get to know him before jumping the gun. She felt something in her heart she'll accept him for flaws and all. 

"Princesa como você está fazendo hoje? (Princess how are you doing today?)" Affonso asked her as he looked down at her. He thought she was so beautiful.

"I'm doing pretty good." Amelia replied as she looked at all the beautiful roses on bushes. "How about you?"

"Great because I'm with you." He smiled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Amelia didn't feel comfortable with his arm around her shoulders. She wished it was Jay doing this to her instead.

Amelia's parents sat under the gazebo and chatted with the Duke and Duchess. They all thought the pair would make a fine couple. King Miguel couldn't wait to call Affonso his son in law.

"That's sweet Affonso." Amelia fake smiled as she tried to casually move his arm.

"I want to know more about you Princess since at the dinner we couldn't really have a decent conversation." He removed his arm from around her shoulders and looked at her with admiration as she walked with her head down.

"There isn't much to know about me really." She shrugged. Honestly she didn't want to open herself up to him because in her eyes she thought he wasn't worth it.

"I'm sure there is. There's always something to know about someone."

"Not really. If you watch me on TV you'll see there's not much to know about me." She said rather cockily.

Affonso laughed and tucked his hands into his jean pockets. "You're very stubborn I see."

Well I hope that makes you go away she said to herself.

She shrugged and gave him a slight smile. "You should tell me about yourself then I'll think about telling you about me."

Affonso gave her a bright smile and blushed. "My name is Affonso Rivera. I was born and raised here in Brazil. I'm twenty two years old. I enjoy watching football (which is soccer in Brazil), my favorite color is green, and I also think you're beautiful."

Amelia started giggling. "You are so sweet Affonso."

"Only for you Princesa." He grabbed her hand and planted a kiss on the back of her hand.

Little did they know that someone was watching them and that someone wasn't so happy.

                 Jason McCann

I couldn't believe what the hell I was seeing. Why the fuck was the princess kissing and hugged up with another dude while she's up my ass?

Stupid whore.

The princess better go kiss the other dude's ass because I damn sure don't want her and she needs to get that through her thick skull of hers.

I bet she even fucked him too.

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