Chapter 20

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Third Person

It was the evening of the masquerade ball that The King and Queen were hosting tonight.

Amelia was very nervous and disappointed because she didn't know how the evening was going to go and that Jay wouldn't be there. She was going to be stuck with Affonso for the whole entire night. Affonso is a very decent guy she thought but he wasn't her type, at all.

Her stylists were currently working on her whole appearance. Amelia wasn't really worried about how she was going to look because her stylists always did a great job on how she looked whenever she went to the annual ball.

"Princesa you're going to look so breathtaking when we're done." Benny exclaimed as he applied a light color gloss to her plump lips. Amelia nodded and continued to think about Jay.

Thirty minutes later her stylists finished working on her hair and make up, Amelia got dressed in her beautiful silver and black gown with matching silver pumps to match.

When she was done getting dressed her stylists were very pleased with their results.

She looked absolutely beautiful.

"Princesa you look amazing tonight." Neveah commented while holding both of her hands.

Amelia smiled. "Thanks the three of you."

Amelia Preston

My stylists did such a great job on my appearance for the ball tonight. I wish Jay could see me now. I wonder what he'll think.

"Oh I forgot Amelia, here's your mask for the ball." Flavius handed me a black and silver mask with glitter studs engraved in the mask. The mask of course matched my gown.

"Thanks." I put the mask on with caution hoping not to mess up my hair Neveah worked so hard on.

"Absolutely stunning." Benny commented as he rubbed his eyes.

I heard someone knock on my bedroom door a few times. The door opened revealing Babá.

I ran up to her and gave her a huge embrace. "I missed you so much." She hugged me back. "I missed you more Amelia. But Affonso is waiting for you at the top of the staircase and by the way you look so beautiful." She smiled at me as she released me from the embrace.

"Thanks Babá and ugh seriously?" I groaned knowing that he was here to accompany me. "Mami don't get yourself worked up about it. It'll be alright. It's only for a few hours then you'll be free." She said reassuringly.

"I guess you're right." I said under my breath. "Now let's go have a great time tonight." Babá grabbed my hand and guided me out of the bedroom into the hallway where Affonso stood dressed in a nice black and white suit. He looked pretty good.

He smiled at me as soon as me and Babá approached him.

"Amelia you look amazing." Affonso bowed in respect and held his hand out for me to grab. Babá gently pushed me to grab his hand.

I grabbed his hand gently and instantly regretted it. I felt like I was cheating on Jason even though we're not together, yet. "Tonight we're going to have an amazing time." He told me as we made our way down the staircase.

"We'll see." I said while sighing.

Third Person

Everyone who was rich and a royal of course was at the ball tonight. The ballroom was decorated with beautiful expensive decorations and the chiefs dished out all types of delicious foods.

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