Chapter 10

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                Amelia Preston

A few days past since the last time I've saw Jay. I was trying so hard to get over him but it was very difficult for me. Maybe Jay is right maybe I am too attached to him already.

Whenever I try to forget about him I immediately start to think about him again.

I yearned to be with him every night but I had to win myself off of him and try to move on.

I told nanny a bit more about  whenever me and him get together but I leave out all the parts about him going insane at times. Nanny was so excited for me that she actually wanted to meet him.

It was way too soon for that and besides me and him are done with whatever we had.

I sat at the dining room table nibbling on my Caesar salad here and there as my family engaged in conversations.

I'm glad I didn't get brought into their conversation because I really didn't feel like talking. I was way too consumed in my thoughts to pay attention.

"Princesa Amelia how come you haven't said a peep since we've been at the table?" Adelina placed her silver fork next to her salad dish.

Everyone at the table gave me a curious look as I gave a nervous smile. "I'm just not in a talkative mood."

"You should be because you have to do an interview in a few days." Father took a bite out of his club sandwich.

Katie rolled her eyes at me. I wonder why my own step sister always had an attitude with me.

"Which show? I hope it's Ellen." That was one of my favorite american talk shows to watch. I hope one day I can go on it.

"Actually you're not going to the states for an interview. But I'm still in the process of picking a good interviewer for you."

I nodded and looked down at my lap.

"So how are you and Affonso doing?" Katie brought up as she gave me a devious look. I knew she was doing this on purpose.

Father and Adelina smiled at me. Dominic rolled his eyes when Katie brought up his name.

"We're fine." I simply replied. There wasn't nothing going on with us honestly and I didn't want nothing to go on with us.

He isn't my type.

"Just fine? Haven't you guys been getting closer?" Step mother asked with a confused expression.

"Yeah I guess so." I started eating my food again.

"Amelia, Affonso is such a great young man. Give him a chance and I promise you will like him. I can definitely see you and him together in the future." Father said with so much pride in his tone.

"Who knows what the future holds." I said carelessly.

"Well I do and I know you will fall for him eventually."

I just ignored his last comment not trying to get myself all worked up about the whole situation.

"By the way Amelia I invited him over for dinner tomorrow night and he will also accompany you to the Annual Ball held here at the palace."

Ugh. Every year my father chose a date for me to take me to the ball. I was never happy with none of the dates.

Yeah they were all very handsome men but father never picked out a decent man that I actually liked.

I felt like the whole thing was forced.

"Oh my gosh! Its ball time already. I can't wait until I can bring my friend Donny." Katie gasped as she looked directly at me. I guess she was trying to make me jealous about how she can bring any guy she wants with her.

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