Chapter 24

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Jason McCann

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I yelled coming into my living room where my father sat there and smoked a cigarette.

"I was in the neighborhood." He shrugged and kicked his feet on the marble table. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms looking between my gang members.

"Get your fucking dirty feet off my table now!" This motherfucker couldn't be serious right now. He fucking interrupted my quality time with my sexy fucking girlfriend. I felt so bad when I had to leave. 

"That's not nice to talk to your father like that." He snickered while removing his feet off of the table making me clench my jaw. "Why should I care? Only time you ever come around is if you need something or if you need me to do your dirty work asshole." 

"I do my own dirty work first of all and you really need to stop talking to me like that because I was the one who crowned you Mafia King." I plopped down across from him and scoffed. 

"I don't give two fucks, now what do you want? I'm tired and I have shit to do in the morning." I snapped at him. 

"I've heard you've been out late every night..." I knitted my eye brows together in confusion. I am grown ass man it's my business what the fuck I choose to do last time I've checked. 

"So? I don't owe you no fucking explanation, last time I've checked I'm twenty three years old and I'm a grown ass man." I said in the most obvious tone. "Oh I know that son but I've heard you haven't been at the club for at least two weeks. Are you seeing a woman or something? Because you've sure been distracted." I could tell that this motherfucker only came to be nosy and he was just faking that he actually cared about what I do. 

"I take care of my business and it's not your business what I choose to do on my private time nosy ass motherfucker." 

"Oh? You're not denying it I see." I rolled my eyes and gave him the middle finger. "I didn't say shit you're just fucking assuming as usual." 

"I care about you Jason because I know being Mafia King is one of the most stressful things and it's very dangerous. I don't want you getting caught up in some bullshit because a woman is distracting you." His words didn't phase me one bit. I know he doesn't mean it. 

"Get the fuck out of my house alright? I'm exhausted and I have a lot of shit to do in the morning. I don't need your fake bullshit words of wisdom anymore. I've been stopped taking your advice so long ago." I stood up and stepped out of the living room leaving my father behind. I sure as hell don't want to hear his bullshit. He doesn't give two fucks about me. He sure has proved it over the years. 

                                                           Third Person

The King and Queen were currently observing Amelia's peculiar behavior as she played golf outside with her sister Katie and Dominic. Both of them could definitely tell that Amelia was too happy for her own good, They've haven't saw Amelia that happy since the both of them could remember. 

"I think she's finally warmed up to Affonso." The King commented as he sat in a lawn chair reading a magazine. The Queen could tell that it obviously wasn't Affonso making her happy because whenever she was around the young man she looked very miserable. She knew it was someone else making her step daughter happy but she wasn't going to tell The King that. He would have a mental breakdown unfortunately. 

"Who knows. It necessarily doesn't have to be Affonso maybe she's happy because of other reasons." Queen Adelina responded to The King. All she wanted was for her lovely step daughter to be happy with someone she actually loves. 

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