Chapter 39

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Amelia Preston

I cried until there were no more tears left to cry.

The man I loved the most, the first man I ever loved besides my father and brother broke me into pieces.

How could he?

I always thought when you truly love someone you don't hurt them. I thought my days of Jason putting me in misery was over. But boy was I wrong....

I ignored Jason for the last day or so. He continuously sent thousands of text messages to me. Yes thousands. He called me nonstop while I would be fulfilling my royal duties. It became so unbearable that I had to block him from calling and texting me. I just don't want anything to do with him right now. I needed so time to myself and think about what I really honestly want.

But a part of me still yearned for him and loved him dearly. I honestly wanted to listen to him and hear him out but he could just easily lie to me, right? Jason did look like he was sincerely sorry for his actions. The look in his eyes told me everything.




A lot of men wouldn't have the guts to come out and confess to their significant other about cheating. But I don't know if I should forgive him. I fought so hard and endured so much pain from him constantly breaking my heart in the past. He could of been fucking her all along behind my back every time he got those mysterious phone calls and have to leave right away.

I'm so confused on what to do. I wiped the tears off my face and curled up in my sheets trying to sleep to take all the pain away for now.

Jason McCann

"Have you've been keeping in touch with your brother?" My mother asked me taking me out my thoughts as I thought about Amelia.

I have a twin brother named Justin who lived in the states. He's a rich CEO who owns so many businesses thanks to me and father. We were the ones who loaned him the money to start his business. But sometimes our schedules and the time differences correspond so it's hard for us to communicate with each other at times. "Last time I spoke to Justin probably was over a month ago." I said trying to send Amelia another text message. My mother shook her head and crossed her arms. "Have you been keeping in touch with Jazzy as well?"

I bit my lip and sighed. I have so much going on in my life that I barely reached out to neither of my siblings. Jazzy goes Harvard University and she always texts me throughout the week to check on me. I haven't saw Justin or Jazzy in so long. "I try mother." I tossed my phone somewhere on the couch and put my head in my hands. My mother took a seat right next to me and put her arm around my shoulder. "Jason what's wrong? I feel like you haven't barely been yourself since I've been here." This whole situation has completely tore me apart. I couldn't even barely eat, sleep nor handle my business for the gang. I could always talk to my mom about anything but I don't know how she would handle it if I told her about me dating a Princess.  I might as well come clean with her, she always gives me good advice.

"I fucked up and broke the woman I love so much heart." I felt a tear coming down my face. I never cried over a woman besides the time when my mother had to get surgery on her arm, I was so scared of losing her so I did cry a little bit, but Amelia did something to me. God knows how sorry I am, I just wish she would forgive me and hear me out some more. My mother's face soften and she rubbed my back gently trying to relax me some more. "How did you do that?"

"I went to one of my gang member's bachelor party two nights ago and I think I drunk too much because I was feeling weird after that. I woke up the next morning in Carmen's bed naked and I couldn't remember a thing. I went to my girlfriend's house to tell her the truth and things went south. I'm such an asshole." I said trying to get my words to come out. It was all very painful because I broke Amelia's heart so many times and I really crossed the line now. I'm just like my father he lost my mother because he got caught up cheating on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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