Chapter 12

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Amelia Preston

It was that time again.

Interview time.

I actually enjoyed doing interviews because that's when I could actually be myself. I was in a very pleasant mood for the most part this morning. Maybe after me expressing myself around Jay made me feel a bit better.

I sat at my vanity as Flavius rolled my hair up. The interview was at noon and I was planning on just relaxing until then.

I already took my morning shower and got my make up done. Only thing I had to do was get dressed which isn't going to take long.

"All done Amelia." Flavius exclaimed. "But we'll be back around eleven to help you get dressed" I waved him off politely.

"Thanks." I replied to the three of them.

All three of them left leaving me alone as I got up and went to retrieve my phone off of the nightstand.

I heard someone knocking on my room door.

"Come in!" I yelled as I started to scroll through my Instagram feed.

Babá came into my room holding a tray of food in her hands. I smiled. I haven't saw her in days.

"Babá I missed you a lot. Where have you been?" She placed the tray of steaming hot food on my lap and sat next to me.

"Princesa I had to go see my family for a few days. My son is getting married so he wanted me to come to the engagement celebration."

"Oh. I thought you just didn't want to come see me." Amelia fake pouted as she started eating her breakfast.

"Nunca princesa que eu só tinha de ver a minha família . Mas o que tem acontecido nos últimos dias desde que eu fui embora?(Never that Princess I just had to see my family. But what's been happening since I've been gone?)"

"Well Father is trying to force me to date The Duke's son Affonso." I rolled my eyes at the thought of the whole situation.

"Amelia he is so handsome. You don't like him?"

"Babá I just see him as just a friend. I feel like he isn't right for me you know?"

"I know how you feel. Have you told your Father about it?" Baba asked me very concerned.

"Even if I try to tell him that he wouldn't even listen to me. He'll probably say something like, 'In time your feelings will grow for him.' But I can't honestly see myself with the man. I don't even know anything about him."

Babá laughed. "Maybe you're being too stubborn to try to get to know him. He could be a good man you never know unless you try."

"It sounds like you're on Father's side about this." I folded my arms and gave her a irritated expression.

"Child calm down I'm only saying. But you should do whatever makes you happy even if your father wants you to date Affonso."

"That's what I have been doing. Every night Jay sneaks into my bedroom to come see me, since he doesn't want me risking everything to come see him." I instantly started to smile at the thought of him.

Babá gasped. "Really? And how the heck does he get into here? There's cameras and guards all outside the palace."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I asked him the same question and he just ignored my question."

"I can tell that you're starting to grow strong feelings for him. As soon as you brought up his name you instantly started to smile."

I blushed. "I do like him. But it is very soon for him to tell him that I do."

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