Chapter 31

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Jason McCann

I loaded up the new weapons I've invested my precious hard earned money in as we've prepared for another mission yet again.. "We need to map this out carefully everyone." Ryan spoke drawing out a layout of the hotel we planned on raiding. It was owned by a infamous mafia group called the Castros.

A few months ago we had sealed a deal with them for our drugs. They'd make the drugs and we'd sell them. But those motherfuckers turned out to be snakes!

Whenever my men would be out selling our products their lives would always be put at danger due to the Castros sending their goons to set them up on purpose to steal the money they've made.

Wanna know how I fucking know? Because I decided to dress up as someone else one night and sell, his goons tried to attack me but you know I don't take that shit so before I killed them I asked who the hell who they were working for. And of course it was Castro. "We don't need to map shit out because they are stupid anyway! Let's just shoot up the place." I grumbled picking up a loaded AK-47.

"Woah man slow your roll, we have to map this out or else someone else could get hurt." Sean reassured me taking a sip of his beer. "I'm just pissed off. But I guess you're right." I needed Amelia to help me become sane and calm again. I just wanted to feel her touch and kiss on those plump pink lips of hers.

"So I was thinking we have each of our men hide around the perimeter of his hideout, then we send someone in to distract him. While he's distracted we send someone else in and get all of his money. But we just have to make sure hi--" Ryan was cut off from my phone blaring in my pocket. Everyone at the meeting stared at me. "The fuck all of you looking at continue." I snapped pulling my phone out of my pocket seeing Amelia was calling me. I stood up to excuse myself to see what she wanted.

"Hey baby, I'm kind of busy. Is everything alright?" I leaned against the hallway wall looking down at my high top supras. Amelia never calls me, it surprised me that she did. "Jay I'm so upset. They're trying to force me to do all of this with Affonso and I just can't do it." I heard her sniffling quietly over the phone. I clenched my jaw becoming upset how they made my beautiful girlfriend cry. She should be crying tears of joy not tears of sadness.

"What the hell is going on?" I didn't mean to be so rude to her I just dont approve of anyone being rude to her. "Everything. They're pressuring me to start planning my whole life with him and I can't do that because I want to plan that with you not him." I sighed hating how fucked up they were being towards her.

"Baby you're stronger then that just go with the flow for now to keep everyone satisfied and off of you. And we're going to be together regardless." I just wanted to hold her close to me letting her pour everything out to me. I just want to put a smile on her beautiful face, I was driven to do that. "I'm so glad you're mines." I heard her suddenly say. It sounded like she was in the bathroom the way her voice echoed.

"I feel the same way but tonight I'll make you very happy, okay? I'll be over around my usual time. Just be strong baby and remember I'm always here." I knew that Amelia probably was grinning by now. She's just so full of smiles and love whenever she's happy. "Aww Jay. I have to go unfortunately. I'll see you tonight." With that she quickly hung up the phone.

"Someone has a secret girlfriend we don't know about." I saw Sean and Ryan stepping closer to me. It's none of their business if I have a girlfriend or not. "Yeah whatever you say man." I said very sarcastically. I didn't want nobody to come between me and Amelia. Bad enough her mother and Babá knows about us.

"It's obvious. You're on the phone calling someone 'baby'." Sean said folding his arms. "So? It doesn't concern the both of you." I scowled, they were honestly getting on my last nerve about my personal life.

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