Good Father

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Outside of the Brown Hospital, in a small brownish townhouse, a young father is pushing his daughter on the swing.

Dad look how high you're going, honey!

Daughter: Wow! I'm flying, papa!

Dad: (slowing down) okay, it's time for the plane to land, vroom!

Daughter: but dad!

Dad: no buts, rosa, it's time for dinner.

Rosa: (disappointed) okay.

Dad: come on, tonight is taco night!

Rosa: (running inside) I'm gonna beat you!

Dad: (laughing) you cheated!

Mom: hola Charlie.

Charlie: hola, Janita.

Janita: did you and Rosa have fun?

Rosa: yeah mom, we flew to the moon!

Charlie: you still cheated!

Rosa: no I didn't, you're just slow!

Charlie: Hey!

Janita: (laughing).

After the delicious dinner, Charlie watches the news, and it was about the Brown Hospital.

Charlie: Jan, have a look at this!

Janita: what?

Charlie: it said that people are eating each other!

Janita: that's nasty, that can't be real, can it?

Charlie: I don't know. Most of the time it tells lies, like the one about the alien.

Janita: still that is disgusting. I mean, why the hell would people eat each other.

Charlie: well it's not coming here!

Janita: really, what makes you think that!

Charlie: they probably took care of it.

Janita: I really hope-

Rosa: mom, where are my slippers?

Janita: where did you last saw them?

Rosa: outside!

Charlie: Well, let's go look.

As they continue to look outside for Rosa's lost slippers, the things from the hospital made their way into the city.

Rosa: I still can't find them!

Charlie: here, you look at the swings and I'll look through the bushes.

Rosa: okay!

After minutes later Rosa found her slippers and something else...

Rosa: PAPA!

Charlie: yes Ros- oh shit!

Thing: (munching) arrgghh!

Rosa: (still struggling) daddy!

Charlie ran and pick up a rock and ran back to the thing and smash its head in!

Rosa: (crying) my arm hurt, daddy!

Charlie: I know.

Janita: (humming) oh, did you- what wrong?

Charlie: Rosa is bleeding!

Janita: ¡Ay caramba!

Janita tended her wound while Charlie looked for a bandage. Things weren't looking good for Rosa though.

Charlie: *panting* where are the band-aid!?

Janita: ahhhhhh!!

Charlie: JANITA!

Rosa thing: gahhh

Charlie: Nooo!

The zombie-like Rosa thing chewed on her mother's neck. Charlie having no other option, grab his rifle and shooting the Rosa thing and his wife.

Charlie: (kneeling down and crying) why... why... WHY!!


Charlie: (throwing the gun down) I love you...

Charlie steps outside, and sat there, having sad thought. Cursing at those ratchet thing. He sat there, the car passed by. He would have gone on his own too but he did not have a car. He had a bike but it had a flat. To be honest, he wanted to die too, he just kills his own wife and children. The car passed by, he hoped one will stop, but they didn't. A grey car passed. It slows down and went into reverse, and stop by Charlie.

Driver: (rolling down his window) hello.

Charlie: (looking up) hi.

Driver: that thing got to you too?

Charlie: yes.


Driver: you... need a ride?

Charlie: (thinking) where are you heading?

Driver: away from this city!

Charlie: .... okay.

Charlie enters the car, the driver drove off and enter the highway.

Driver: so... what's your name?

Charlie: Charlie. You?

Driver: Joey.

Charlie: so... how did you meet that thing?

Joey: I was in the hospital, where my dad was...with my sister... he turns and killed my sister. I had to kill him... I didn't want too though... How about you?

Charlie: I was in the yard with my daughter, she got bit and... I took her inside to fix her... she killed my wife... I shot them both... Why does this get to happen! It made our monster!

Joey: (tears falling) I know... I had to do the same with my dad. He was gonna kill me next!

Charlie and Joey: *sobbing*

Joey: Man, I'm sorry-

Charlie: no no it okay.

Joey: I just hope they fix this.

Charlie: me too.

Joey: well, Charlie were heading towards Ohio, maybe it will be safer there.

Charlie: the farther away we are from them the better!

Joey: yep.

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