What if...

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Now, let us recap on what has happened so far in the story. The group is now at a camp site, where it appear to had a shootout, and had an easy time there. No zombie, no thieves, and no funny business. All that change when Jones, who had appointed Joey as leader, want to go to his house because he thinks it safer out there. Joey refuses to go because of what had happen to him and Shayne. The two of them butted heads, but that all changes when one day, Joey and Shayne were sitting outside to watch out for zombie, when a helicopter crash not to far away from the campsite.

Joey: (running) c'mon guys!

Shayne: (right behind him with a gun) it wasn't this far!

Emily: (pointing out into the smoke) there it is!

Charlie: damn, I hope whoever it is, is still alive.

Jones: (puffing) let's stop running, okay?

Joey: hell no, we're almost there!

Shayne: hey look! (Falling) oh shit!

Joey: (helping him up) woah, here it is!

Jones: ah shit, (catching his breath) are you sure someone is still living Charlie?

Charlie: there gotta be!

They all stood at the rumble of the helicopter mess.

Joey: damn it, what a mess.

Emily: yeah, maybe there something in there?

Shayne: maybe the dude whoever was driving ejected down already.

Joey: I hope so- (something catching his eyes) what the fuck!

Charlie: (trying to see what Joey was looking at) what is it man?

Joey: (grabbing a huge piece of metal) help me move this, will'ya!?

Shayne: (grabbing the other side) okay, now lift!

They lift as hard as they possibly could, but it didn't even rise.

Charlie: (helping as well) try again!

Joey: okay on count of three 1...2...3... now lift!

They all lifted as hard as the could, they try so hard to get it off the ground, lucky for them Emily help them as well, then after that they finally lifted the metal off the ground and move it a few feet over to only have reveal a body of some kind of army men.

Joey: there a person here!

Shayne: oh shit!

Emily: we have to get him out of here.

Jones: no we won't, he dead, he might turn on us!

Nancy: I think Jones is right.

Joey: you're his wife, of course you agree with him!

Nancy: (getting mad) hey, at least he care of the safety of our group! It seem like you don't!

Jones: Joey, it not worth it to take him back to the- (looking up) he's moving!

Shayne: (ready with the gun) shhhhh...

Poilet: ooh my head, (looking up) oh shit (falling back) don't eat me!

Jones: eat you?

Poilet: stay back! Don't get any closer! (Grabbing a stick) Stay back, I know how to use this!

Emily: he hallucinating! That crash might have effect him.

Charlie: you think!

Joey: relax man, we're not going to hurt you.

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