That Faithful Day

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The group stayed at the camp, it was the beginning of September, the leaves are just starting to fall. Joey and Jones are not getting along no more, Jones is still piss at Joey for not leaving the camp to get to his house. It been about a week, Jones and Shayne had just came back on their trip to the city.

Joey: (standing by the entrance of the camp) hey, guys.

Shayne: (hauling something) sup Joey, look at this, some kind of tool box.

Joey: does it still have tools in it?

Shayne: (picking at the locks) I don't know, it's lock.

Jones: before you go runnin' off with it, I gonna grab something.

Joey: (scratching his head) so, gonna get fire ready?

Jones: don't look at me, I ain't gonna do it.

Joey: don't worry, I was talking to Shayne.

Shayne: man, would you two just cut it out already.

Joey: okay, jeez, (sighing) so did you guys find any jackets?

Jones: no.

Shayne: sadly, all we found was this toolbox at that gas station, we went to get the bus some gas. Then the zombies caught up to us...

Joey: I know, the camp is being visited every few days.

Jones: by who?

Joey: zombies of course.

Jones: Har Har, is Emily and Charlie back yet?

Joey: they should be here any minute.

Jones: well, in that case, (walking away) I gonna find Nancy.

Shayne: well, better get the fire started.

Joey: yeah, I'll bring the toolbox inside the cabin.

Shayne: thanks.

Meanwhile up in a sky, a greenish helicopter flew past the city of Bloomfield.

Pilot: okay, I over the Michigan area.

Radio operator: okay, do you see the boot camp anywhere.

Pilot: no, all I see is trees.

Radio operator: damn it!? (sighs) okay, go about another 300 ft and report then.

Pilot: okay, (sketching back) so, ah, who was on supplies and refill duties.

Radio operatior: I think John or Manny is.

Pilot: it can't be John, he's on the ground doing a search and rescue mission.

Radio operator: that's right, so I guess is just Manny.

Pilot: Manny's a dumbass. You picked the wrong person for that, if his head wasn't screw to his fat body, he probably forget it.

Radio operator: (laughing) what's so hard about counting all the supplies and filling up the helicopters?

Pilot: he probably forgot to refilled the bigger one with that special shit. Ah crap, I forgot the name of it.

Radio operator: don't worry, we checked up his work.

Pilot: okay, good. (Looking over at the sight) wow it kinda nice being up here.

RO: well don't get use to it, your probably be back on the ground soon-

*I got tired writing out Radio operator*

The radio starts to buzz. The pilot turn the radio on.

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